Tea and betrayal

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    This past few days were interesting. We've been doing stuff but most of the time he was gone. He told me he had stuff to do with other demons. He was a nice person when you got to know him he didn't hurt me at least. He was gone most of the time though going with other demons. Once he told me about one that was called Jun. He told me she was a demon of despair. She died in the most despairing way. She then made a deal with a demon to get revenge. In exchange Jun became a demon giving up her mortality. It was quite interesting you had to admit. But just the way she died was intriguing to you. You felt a bit of pity for her. He then decided it was time for tea! You loved tea time a lot! Not because you get to play with stuffed animals(well a little) but because the tea he had was different than human tea. It was kind of magic tea. Which helped your powers grow,it sometimes hurt a little but it was like having a shot, so it wasn't that bad.
Your pov
With a flick of his hand, he opened a portal  full of darkness and little stars. Kind of like a galaxy thing. It was really cool how he could do all this stuff. I entered the portal and saw the little black tea table. I sat on one of the chairs. There were little black teacups on the table with a little tray with pastries and paté sandwiches. You saw the sky around you. It was a nice day, a nice day to have tea.  You grabbed a sandwich and ate it whole while he brewed the tea. It was dark purple liquid, meaning it would let you gaze into the future at some point in the day.
"Two or seven?" Said Bill referring to the sugar cubes.
"Bill, you know very well that I want eight." I couldn't help but just giggle at the little comment. He just laughed at you for being as silly as him.

It was a very very very nice afternoon you just talked and laughed together. You enjoyed being with the demon. He was like your best friend. You would always laugh together whenever he was home. You finished your cup. It was pretty enjoyable to be honest.
Bill suddenly seemed pretty serious now and was looking down. He set his cup on the table and quickly set his gaze on you.
"Shit, I forgot to tell you. Tomorrow we will be going out to a ball. There will be lots of people there and I don't want you to get lost and piss someone off, and if you want you can perform, I actually signed you up for it. " he said in a monotone voice. He then smiled at you and closed his eyes. "You can wear whatever you want to it too!" He said cheerfully then with a flick of his hand he cleaned up the table and opened the portal. "My lady." He said while letting you passed through the portal. You arrived back at the mansion, you were tired so you lay in the red velvet sofa.
"Hey i have to go now see you around i guess." Said bill while heading out to a portal he just made. "Where are you going?" You asked as he almost steppes put of the house. He looked at you then cheerfully smiled. "Don't cha worry your pretty little head about it!" He said as he went through the portal. You then fell asleep on the couch. The effects of the tea started to kick in. You saw a room with a bed and very dim lighting. You were having a vision. 'Oh ok!' You thought as you saw the room. You saw someone entering the room. 'It was a girl, wait it's Jun!' You Thought as she entered the room. She was looking at the entrance and was smirking, wait what? She sat in the bed and unbuttoned her shirt. Your cheeks got red as she got her skirt off. You saw another person come in to the room. IT WAS BILL! You woke up and sat up from the shock. You were still in the couch, and it was night by now. You decided to go to your room and watched salad fingers in your laptop that he gave you.
Go watch the video if you dare,it's on YouTube. Not only that but it's spooktober so watch it at night if you want. Anyways back to the story.
Your door opened and Bill was standing infront. "I bought McRonald's!" He said cheerfully as he gave you a bright smile. "I'm not hungry but thank you though!" You gave him a smile. He just shrugged and was about to close the door until you yelled "Wait!" Confused he looked at you then stared at you with a poker face. "Who is going to the ball again?" You asked him as you closed your laptop. "Umm I don't know kid but I think Jun will be going and other demons too, why?" He said looking at you. "Oh I was just curious who is going to be there!" You said, he then shrugged and left the room. 'That is just perfect' you thought as you went to watch a movie then peacefully went asleep in your bed.


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