The smell of war

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For a month Clarissa and her friends gave me dirty looks, I tried ignoring them as much as possible. From notes she left in my locker to stares in the hallway, this was my last year of high school and I want it to be the best year of school. Not that school is much fun anyway.

"You must be Amara." I turned around to the mysterious voice, a girl with brown hair stood in front of me.

"Uh-Yea, who are you?" She smiled "I'm Chloe, Chloe Richards. and well i'm here to tell you something." I hesitated in talking,

"Uh- Tell me what?" A smile grew on her face,

"Well, you know how you punched Clarissa in the face and that was the most amazing thing that has ever happened at this school." I nodded, "Clarissa said that she's going to get you back, people are taking sides and well i'm on you're side cause you're one of the baddest girls in school right now" I rolled my eyes

" I don't want to take part in any of this." I turned around and walked away, was this girl honestly serious, was Clissa or Clarissa what ever her name is actually starting drama?The bell rang and I realized that I was now late I walked into my 2nd hour class,Mr. Green's Math class, all eyes turned to me.

"Miss. Amara, you are once late again. You have a detention with me today after school." She wrote me a detention slip and sent me to my seat. I swear this lady hates me, nobody even liked her or the class. I sat down and all eyes were still on me, was there something on me? I looked around and saw Clarissa siting on the side of the room with her little friends, looks like she took my advice and bought a new nose. I knew that she wanted drama, I wasn't going to start it unless she did anything.

I got up and moved seats, I sat next to Jacob the only person who isn't involved in all this mess. "Hey Jacob" He kept his head down as if he was embarrassed to be talking to me, I took the hint and kept quiet. Class went by slowly probably because of whispers and stares, this school is filled with so many gossipers. The bell rang and I packed my things, the second Clarissa left Jacob finally started speaking.

"Hey, i'm so sorry about th-" I cut him off short ,

"Sorry about what whats you're deal? Are you with Clarissa or something? Are you embarrassed to be around me?" I put my books on my desk,

"I-I, It's just that me and Clarissa ar-" My face went blank,

"Oh I get it." I grabbed my books and headed to lunch.

I walked into the cafeteria and as usual all eyes were one me, I carried my tray of food through the sea of eyes, I walked past Clarissa's table all I heard was whispers I ignored them. I walked to a vacant table and took a seat. This school lunch is so disgusting at times, today it's spaghetti and meat balls but i'm pretty sure if I were to throw it on the ground it would bounce. I pushed my tray away knowing that I wouldn't eat it anyway.

"Is this seat taken?" I turned around and it was Chloe, I sighed

"No.." She pulled out the chair and sat down.

"You know Clarissa is very mad, right?"

"Why does she want to start drama with me? I punched her a month ago." Chloe picked a apple of my tray,

"She's not really mad about that,She can replace her nose any day." She took a bite "She mad about you getting close to Jacob.. You see that's her ex" My face dropped,

"She can have him if she wants." Chloe turned to me like I was a crazy person,

"Are you crazy?? Jacob is the hottest guy in school, you're even lucky that he set eyes on you, girls would die to be in you're position." The bell rang and I quickly got out of the lunch room, this school has me crazy.

The finial bell rang, luckily today I had study hall so I didn't have to worry about homework, I walked to my locker and threw my books in. A note fell out that read Jacob and I are ALWAYS together. :) In ways you don't even know. I cringed at the sighed to the words, this just got real. If this girl wants war, she just got it.

I walked into Mrs. Greens class mad, not only that this lady keeps giving me detentions but also of Clarissa, was Jacob playing me? There were a few people in the class, the usual druggies that got caught smoking weed in the bathroom. I took a seat in the middle of the class, "Okay guys, you'll be serving at hour dete-" Sebastian walked in,

"I'm here, the person you've all been waiting for." Mrs. green had an annoyed look on her face,

"Take a seat Mr." He walked towards me and plopped down,

"Hey pretty" I rolled my eyes,

"You know ignoring me for a month won't make me go away" Mrs. Greens looked our way and hushed us up.

"Alright guys, i'm going out to make copies. Amara you're in charge." Seconds after she left the room Sebastian lit up a cigarette.

"Stop, you might burn something!" He rolled his eyes as if I was a immature little kid.

"Oh calm down miss goody goody." I shot him a look,

"Put out the cigarette it's not even attractive on guys, it's honestly gross." He put his feet on the desk,

" I don't really care about what girls think about me." I got up and moved seats, I wasn't going to get in trouble for being around a smoker.

Detention was over, I walked outside and waited for Derek. Mom and him still don't think that I know the way home even though I've been going back and forth. Sebastian walked past me and blew smoke in my direction, I coughed in disgust. He got on his motorcycle and rolled up to me he blew one more smoke in my face. Luckily Derek drove up,

"Hey!" he explained with happiness I entered the car,

"Why you so happy?" He smiled,

"You're mother will tell you when we get home." I put my seat belt on,

"It's not bad right?"

He quickly laughed "It's not bad."

I walked in, there was blue powder all over the ground,"Whys there blue powder all over the ground?" I turned to Derek, and all he did was smile. Mom came down the stairs in all blue,"Mom what's up with the blue powder"

A smile grew on her face, Derek got closer to her, and yelled in unison "YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY BROTHER AMARA!!" A smile grew on my face,I quickly walked up to them "OH MY GODNESS, REALLY!?!?" They nodded all happily. A smirk grew on my face,

"Wait does this mean I have to teach him about the birds and the bee's?" They're faces went blank, "Im kidding guys" I can't believe that im actually going to have a baby brother.

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