Down fall.

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After a few weeks Albin made sure to steer away from Clarissa. She always tried to send him notes in class, he read them but never replied. I knew deep inside he liked her a lot but I had to do what was best for our friendship.

"You know Amara, I was thinking."

"What were you thinking?" I put my phone down and looked him in the eyes.

"I don't like that guy Jacob.. There's a bad vibe coming from him."

Was he serious? Jacob is the best guy in the school. I know he rarely talks to me but that's because he's busy.

"What do you mean a bad vibe?"

"I mean that I've heard things from the other guys in the locker room, and from what they tell me he's not a good person.

"You're right he's not a good person he's a great person." I started grinding my teeth together.

"Amara I just don't find it fair that I had to give up the girl I like because you had a bad feeling about her. But, now that i'm asking you to stay away from Jacob you're not."
I opened my mouth to speak but nothing was coming out.

"Albin i'm not staying away from Jacob. Date Clarissa for all I care."

"No, you see you do care that I have feelings for her." He was right I did care a lot, how could he tell me that Jacob is bad when he clearly doesn't see through Clarissa's bull crap.

"No I don't care. Date who you want to date and I'll date who I want to date." He sighed and picked his phone up.

"Albin what are you doing?"

"Asking Clarissa to meet somewhere so I can ask her out." Was he honestly serious???

"Albin get out of my room."


"Leave." He got up and walked to the door.

"Are we good?" I stayed quiet.

After a few moments he left and slammed the door.

I grabbed my lunch out of my locker and headed towards the lunch room.

"Hey! Amara" A familiar voice from behind called out my name. I turned around to see Jacob quickly approaching me.

"Hey Jacob." I put a strand of hair behind my ear and blushed. A smile grew on his face and he grabbed my arm and pulled me along to the lunch room. He stood on the first table he could see, the people sitting there looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Everyone listen up!" The sea of eye's all turned to his attention, "There is a girl that I met a few months ago, I fell in love with her at the first sight." Was he talking about me? My face went red and my heart beat rose. He jumped off the table and pulled me until I was a few inches from him. He got on one knee, "Amara will you go out with me?" From the side of my eye I could see Albin standing there as if he was waiting for my reply, Clarissa next to him.

"Y-Yes." He rose and pulled me in for one of those kisses that the guy gives the girl before he leaves. The cafeteria went wild as they whistled and cheered. After a minute he let go and gave me a smile. I looked around at everyone, I saw a body snuffling around and leaving the cafeteria, it was Albin and Clarissa was right behind him.

I turned my attention back to my new boyfriend, I could feel my heart race inside of me. He was looking at me like I was the only girl in the entire room.

I took a seat, Albin was across the room seated with Clarissa. The moment he saw me he grabbed her and french kissed her snake lips. I bit my tongue and felt my face turn red in anger and I guess Sebastian noticed. He leaned in a whispered.

"I thought that you two were best friends."

"I guess not anymore." I looked at him with cold eyes, "What's it to you anyway?"

"I dunno,I was just asking no need to be the wicked witch of the west."

I gave him a death glare, "Am I really like the wicked witch of the west?" I felt my voice crack at witch.

"No." He cleared his voice "I'm sorry that was meant to be a joke." The look on his face said it all, he genuinely actually looked sorry.

"It's fine." I whispered in return.

He ripped out a piece of paper and scribbled on it. he handed it back to me it read Meet me at the pizza place today at 8? Just friends ( I know you got asked out today and said yes.) .. I want to get to know you.. It seems like people judge you before they get to know you. I looked at him and he smiled at me with hope. I nodded. What's the worst that could happen right?

I was one of the last kids to leave school, Albin had gotten a ride from Clarissa. I couldn't believe that he was giving up years of our friendship for a girl how lies more than Pinocchio. I closed my locker door and looked out, it was pouring rain. It made me remember that I should probably go to the bathroom before I left.

I was walking towards the girls bathroom which was directly next to the boys bathroom. I heard whispering from a familiar voice.

"Yeah man.. I don't really like her.."

Another voice from a guy that I never heard spoke. "Man, than why did you ask her out?"

Were they talking about me? Did Jacob really not like me? What was the point of him asking me out? He wouldn't get anything from me.

"Man in all honesty. She's a freak that nobody likes." Was this true? Nobody in the entire school liked me at all? "The reason why I even asked her out was because Clarissa asked me too so she would stay away from that new guy Albin." I felt hot stream tears start to roll down my eyes.

"Broo, but why would you do that for Clarissa?" I couldn't take it any more so I skipped going to the bathroom and just walked out the front doors. The rain fell down on me like I was in the shower. Behind me I heard someone call my name, I continued walking and crying. The rain would blend in with my tears.

"Hey Amara!" He grabbed my arm and turned me around it was Sebastian, " I saw you in the hall and I called you're name bu you didn't hear me I guess." He was completely out of breath.

"Uh- I was trying to get home because it's raining." I wiped the tears from my face.

"Are you okay?" He looked at me with concern,

"Yeah, I'm just whipping away the rain from my eyes." I lied.

"Oh, Okay, Are we still meeting up tonight at the pizza place?"

I nodded and walked away to my car. I opened the car door and got in and started the car immediately. I pulled out of the student parking lot and onto the street. I couldn't clearly see the road from the rain and from my tears. I accelerated my speed, I didn't care anymore. I had already lost my best friend, and half the school doesn't even like me. I took off my windshield whippers and drove faster. I saw my phone ringing it was mom, I drove faster and faster.

The Life Of Amara {Wattys2016}Where stories live. Discover now