School with Albin

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"Derek can we take you're car today? You're not working right?" I looked at him with hope in my eyes, he gently nodded and handed me the keys. I gave him a quick hug and mom a quick kiss. "Albin lets go!! You take more time than I do!" He came stumbling down the stairs in a nice ironed polo shirt and khaki pants, he looked really nice.. kinda cute.

"I'm here, calm down." He grabbed his bag,

"Are we going or not?" I opened the door and led the way to the car.

"Get in" I clicked the car remote and threw my bag in, Albin hesitated than a smirk grew on his face.

"Are you sure you can drive?" He gave me a funny look,

"Albin I won't kill you I swear." I gave him a smile, "Now hurry up we are going to be late!!" He opened the door and entered the car,

"So how's the school like? ANY hot chicks?" I rolled my eyes, he's such a pig.

I pulled into the school parking lot and got out, "Let's go Albin we'll be late!!" He rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag,

"What's first hour?" I grabbed his arm and pulled him a long,

"So for first hour we have a easy class, the teacher probably won't have you do anything since you're new and all. "

I opened the door to the class and walked in, the teacher stood from her desk and walk towards us, "Class this is our new student, Albin." He gave everyone a small smile, "Now Albin tell us about yourself." He quickly cleared his throat,

"Well um, I moved here a few weeks after Amara, and i'm currently staying with her. My favorite things to do are play football and basketball" In the corner of my eye I saw Clarissa drooling over him. I knew I wasn't going to let her any where near him, never in a million years.

"Does anybody have any questions for Mr. Albin?" Clarissa shot her hand up,

"Well," UGH her voice was already annoying, "Albin is it? Are you gonna join the football team?" Of course of all the questions. Clarissa does only date athletes. Albin scratched the back of his head,

"Maybe." He gave Clarissa a smile, I quickly pinched his arm, he can't honestly fall under her ugly spell? Could he?

"Amara you don't mind if Albin shared a desk with you? We don't have any extras at the moment." I nodded and led him to my desk, which was surprise surprise next to Clarissa.

The rest of the class I was sure that Albin was flirting with Clarissa. On the count that they were passing notes the entire time and giggling.

"Okay class,"The teacher interpreted and I quickly looked at her. "I'd like you to get into groups of 3. You'll be witting a group paper on the Ottoman Empire." Everyone started moving around, I looked at Albin

"You're going to be in my group." He nodded, Clarissa poked her head to the side and looked at me than at Albin.

"Can I be in the group too?" Both Albin and Clarissa looked at me. I sighed I knew I was the only one that was going to be working on this project. "Sure." She got up and drew her chair in front of my desk. "Hey Albin you should sit with me at my table today during lunch." He smiled, "I'm sorry Clarissa I am sitting with Amara today." She looked at me and her face dropped. "Amara can sit with us too.." I took out my pencil and paper. "It's fine." I heard a chuckle escape from Albin, "Well if Amara isn't sitting there I guess I won't be." Clarissa rolled her eyes, than tapped my elbow. "Jacob will be there and I am sure he'll be so happy to see you." She wiggled her eyebrows as though this was a gambling deal.I felt my cheeks heat up "Fine what ever." She smiled and clapped her hands together like a little kid on the first day of school.

I cleared my throat, "So guys what should we do our topic about?" I looked only to see them in each others faces

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