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I took a breath a looked down, the water was flowing peacefully. I felt a small breeze of wind move my hair. I stepped closer to the edge.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. I spread my arms to jump.

Sebastian POV:

I looked around the room, Amara was no where to be seen. It's been 2 hours, I wonder what happened. My phone buzzed,

Maggie: Bash, Mia is throwing up. Her fever is getting worse.

"SHIT!" Wait did I just say that out loud? I looked around and all eyes were on me, I quickly got up and left. The rain fell down hard on em, I needed to buy Mia medicine I couldn't afford too take her to the hospital...It was to expensive.

I pulled into the street and drove a week blocks towards the Pharmacy, there was police tape cutting off the other side of the street, I guess there was a car accident or something. I pulled into the Pharmacy, it was 5 minutes till closing. I quickly ran in.

"Hey sir, is there any medicine for throwing up?? I am not sure what it's called."

He walked from behind the counter,

"Get out of here you teenage dirt bag!" He reached behind the counter,

"Look,sir I just want medicine for my little sister, she is sick." I looked him in the eyes.

"Get going boy! Don't act as though I didn't see you yesterday in the alley trash yesterday!"

I sighed and left the store, I wasn't going to argue with him. He doesn't even know why I was going through the trash- To look for medicine.

The next few days I struggled to make sure Mia was healthy and eating right, I skipped school and picked up more shifts at the gas station.

I looked around the apartment, Mia was sleeping in the small bed I made from extra blankets. I really needed to get her an actual bed...but, they are too expensive. She poked her head up from the pillow.

"Bash Bash...I'm hungry." I opened my wallet, $15... I could buy a few grocery's with this.

"Mia go get you're shoes, we can go buy some things to eat..." I knew this would have to last us the next week and a half.

On the way home, Mia fell asleep in the back seat. I stopped at a red light and turned to look at the river... There was someone standing on the ledge. I focused my eyes and saw it was... AMARA. I flung the door open and ran towards her, I grabbed her off the ledge,but she fell to the ground.

"LET ME GO!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. No one was driving on the streets because it was 1:30am...

"Amara stop..." She got less tense and her eyes got heavy, had she fallen asleep? I carried her in my arms back towards the car.


I woke up to the sight of a little girl with pigtails looking at me.

"Hi!" She said happily, "I'm M-Mia and 'm 4." She held up 3 fingers to show her age, I lifted my head and looked around.

"Where am I?" She giggled and ran off into another room, I sat up and looked around more. This was some messy place. Who was that little girl? Where the hell was I? The little girl ran back into the room with... Sebastian?

"Hey Amara..." He kept his head down on the ground,

"Uh-Why-Where am I?" He sighed and took a seat on the lumpy couch,

"My place.. I-I found you yesterday on the bridge." I stopped breathing for a second, it was him? Why did he push me off?

"I-I can explain..." I tried to speak, but he cut me off,

"No it's fine. No need to if you don't want to..."

"No- I want to talk about it... I sorta lost a family member a few days ago and it was my fault."

"Amara I-I'm so sorry.. I know how it feels to lose someone." I know he was trying to be nice but he would never know the pain.

I cleared my voice..."Who's the little girl? You're daughter or something?" He tensed up,

"Um-No." She ran back into the room and jumped on Sebastian's leg,

"Hi! I'm 4!" I smiled as she again tried to attempt to put up her fingers.

"Those are the only words she knows at the moment.." He smiled and took her off his lap. "And um, she's my sister." he replied.

I took a long look around the apartment,

"W-What happened to her mom?" He closed his eyes and kept quiet for a few seconds,

"Our mom, me and her are siblings. She left when my dad left because the stress was too much for her. I was 15 at the time."

"Sebastian I-I'm so sorry." He sighed and got up,

"It's fine... Well um-Mia made you pop tarts." He smiled and put his hand out for me to get up. I think this was the start of something new.

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