I am sorry

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I woke up to the sound of a nurse, and the smell of medicine. She had a tray of medicine in her hands.

"You're awake." She gave me a smile, she placed the tray down on the dresser and walked out the room. I sat up and looked around, I had a bandage on my arm. I wasn't connected to any ivys. Why was I still alive? That crash should have killed me.. Unless it killed someone else. I threw the small thin blanket off of me and stumbled towards the door where a man in a white coat met me.

"Whoa there Miss. Windel" Who was this? I just want to leave. "You're not quiet ready to leave yet.How about you go back to you're bed?" The nurse that was in before came back in and grabbed the tray of medicine.

"Wh- Why can't I leave? I feel fine."

"well Miss. WIndel, Although you may feel fine there may be internal injurers."

"Whe-When can I go home?"

He gave me a smile, "Once testing is done and you've taken you're medicine." The nurse handing me a small cup with 2 small pills. The nurse handed me a bottle of water and smiled. She helped me up.

"Let's go get you tested."

"Wa-Wait, Where are my parents? Derek and my mom?" The doctors face fell when I said mom.

"Let's go to testing."

"N-No you haven't answered my question."

He sighed and after a few seconds replied, "Amara you have to go to testing." I stood there for a few moments before nodding my head and walking with the nurse into a dark room.

"Can you tell me why you didn't answer my question about my parents."

He pulled the needle out of my arm and walked out the room, the nurse stood by the television looking at me.

"Can you tell me why he won't tell me where my parents are?" She gave me a frowning face and left the room. Why won't anyone tell me where my parents are? She came back in a few minutes later with Derek.

"Oh Amara! You're alive!" He was scratched up like somthing had cut him, he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a bear hug.

"Derek, where mom? Did she not come?"

His face fell,like the doctor and the nurses,

"Amara, I have something to tell you." He looked at the nurse who left the room and shut the door. "You're mother and I where in a car accident with you're car...We were trying to call you because you're mother was in labor but you didn't pick up. So, we just drove to the hospital." My mind went racing, was mom okay? What about the baby?

"Wh-where is mom? Is the baby okay?" He covered his face,

"You're baby brother didn't make it.. The doctor told me it was either you're mother who died or the baby."

I couldn't believe what was happening, this must be a dream. There was a knock on the door, the doctor walked in.

"You guys can go visit.. Her." I stood up with no emotion in my face. I stared at Derek who still had his face covered. It was my fault that I lost my brother, my fault that this accident even happened, everything is my fault. I looked at the doctor,

"Lead the way." My voice cracked. He stepped into the hall way and walked me to a small room. There I saw my mom staring at the wall.

"M-Mom, it's me. Amara." She glanced over at me with no emotion.

"You did this." I heard her say, my heart broke. "YOU DID THIS AMARA!" She threw a box of tissues at me. "YOU DID THIS!". Derek ran in and held her like a baby, and I just stood there emotionless like the evil monster I was. This was the first time I had ever seen my mom cry.

"I-I think you should go." Derek gestured to the doctor who led me back to my room.

For the rest of the night I stared at the blank television screen, knowing that all of this was my fault. My brother's death, my own mother hating me, my best friend leaving me, being tricked by Jacob. It was all my fault.

Warm tears fell from my eyes, I heard someone walk into the room.

"Amara, it wasn't you're fault.. It was a accident.." I heard Derek say tiredly.

My eyes got blurry, he came and held me. "Derek it's all my fault. Everything."

"No it's not." He said with a small whisper.

"No, it is if I hadn't been speeding none of this would have happened. My brother wouldn't be dead." He had no words to reply. There was a knock at the door, I turned my head to see Albin standing in the door way.
"I'm going to go check on you're mother." Derek got up and left the room.

"Amara, I heard what happened. I'm so sorry." I stared at the wall.

"Please leave." I looked at him with no emotion.

"W-What?" He looked hurt and confused.

"I said LEAVE! LEAVE THIS STATE! GO BACK TO NEW YORK!" He opened his mouth to speak but had nothing to say. My eye's got more watery. "ALBIN LEAVE!" I picked up my pillow at threw it at him. He stood quietly and stepped into the hall after a few seconds. He walked away.

The Life Of Amara {Wattys2016}Where stories live. Discover now