later that day

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Lloyd's pov~~~~

I went to my room hoping no one would follow. Well Kai could but I kinda just wanted to be alone and clear my mind. I was still a bit shaken up from our fight from marro when were in the crystal maze every one saw theirs. I did as well even if it was on a minute but I believed that Kai was standing next to me , or at least a symbol that represents him. But him or the symbol disappeared with stars just left behind.
It was just one of the times where marro didn't poessess me. But, later would mock me and abuse me in any way see fit. When I say any I do mean any. The thought of Kai coming to save me. Kept me going through the lonely pit of darkness well I would try to fight back. Then do my best at the strength I had.

It was a never ending cycle. But when Kai and I were reunited once again. I knew that everything was and will be okay. He is my everything some people might think I'm falling to fast. But, the thing is that I've known Kai since I was little. He has saved me so many times I can't count any more. He has been there for me when others weren't.

I heard a knock on the door I ask who it was it was my fireball. I get the door and Kai raps his arms around me instantly. Then he started whispering such sweet things in my ear and kiss my neck and forehead occasionally. Another reason I fell for him he knows what to say and do to make me feel better when I'm depressed or anxious.
I know if anything bad happens I can move forward knowing he going to be there every step of the way and find his way back to me if we ever find each other lost. We will always find each other like we have before.

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