Chapter Two: The Intense White Slides on Taboo Tower

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"That was fun, but why not we go on a faster slide?" said Kaito.
Seeing three tall slides in the distance, Len said, "Maybe those three white slides are fast."
"I'm up for that challenge!" cheered Miku as she agreed along with everyone.

The group then set off to the Taboo Tower area. When they made it to the top of the stairs, the Vocaloids saw three slides named "Daredevil Plunge", "Secret Passage", and "Escape Chute".

With the others behind them, Miku, Rin and Len went first. Being the adventurer he is, Len went straight to "Daredevil Plunge". Wanting to ride the less-intense one, Rin chose "Secret Passage". Lastly, Miku took the "Escape Chute".

As Luka, Meiko, Kaito, Neru, and Gumi waited, they could hear the three screaming loudly down the slides. Rin shot through the Secret Passage tube and spiraled to the end, Miku flew down the long bumpy Escape Chute slide and zoomed to the bottom, and Len plunged down the Daredevil Slide slide like an arrow.

After the three made it back to the ground, they waited as Luka, Neru, and Gumi took the slides next. Terrified by the height, Gumi shrieked as she went down "Daredevil Plunge". Luka screamed down "Escape Chute" and Neru screamed all the way through "Secret Passage".

Then, it was finally Meiko and Kaito's turns, taking the side-by-side slides "Daredevil Plunge" and "Escape Chute". The group watched as Meiko and Kaito both screamed and laughed down the slides.

Afterward, Meiko said, "Ouch! Escape Chute was crazy! I'm definitely gonna be sore tomorrow."
"Um... Meiko-san..." said Rin who was embarrassed to hear that. "That's a little TMI..."

"Anyway," said Neru, "What will we ride next?"


Last publish date before 2020 edits: June 25, 2016.

The original title of this chapter was just "The Intense White Slides"

Okay so that is Chapter Two.

When I visited, I went down the "Escape Chute" slide. Let me just say that it would probably be better to wear shorts on that one.

Those water slides were pretty intense, and maybe when I go back there sometime I will go down the "Daredevil Plunge" slide.

Okay, that is all for now!


Words: 374

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