Chapter Three: The Black Snake Slides of Black Snake Summit

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"Those black water slides over there look cool!" said Len. "Why not we go there?"
"Yeah!" Everyone agreed and set off to the water slides.

After getting to the top platform, the group watched as Miku and Luka went first through "Coiled Cobra" and "Twisted Fang".

Miku screamed through the "Coiled Cobra" tube and so did Luka through "Twisted Fang". Whipping around curves and turns in pitch black darkness, the two girls zoomed down faster and back to the light.

Afterward, Rin and Len went next, with Rin loudly screaming down "Coiled Cobra" and Len's voice heard through "Twisted Fang".

When the slides were cleared, Neru and Gumi went next, with Gumi also screaming down "Twisted Fang" and Neru down "Coiled Cobra".

Finally, it was Meiko and Kaito's turn, both laughing down "Twisted Fang" and "Coiled Cobra".

After everyone met up at the bottom, Miku said, "Looks like you had a lot of fun on Twisted Fang, Meiko-san."
Meiko nodded as Gumi said, "Okay, what are we riding next?"


Last publish date before 2020 edits: June 25, 2015.

The original title of this chapter was just "The Black Snake Slides"

Okay, so that is chapter three.

So far, everyone is having a lot of fun. But unfortunately, it will have to end soon...

I do not remember if I rode either "Twisted Fang" or "Coiled Cobra."

Okay, that is all for now!

The next chapter will be the last...

Words: 246

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