warm aesthetics

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aries: having the strength to walk past bookstore because you need gas money to get home. waking up to unexpected happy texts. cobble stone streets. people watching.

taurus: contagious yawn chains with your friends and laughing about it. hole in the wall cafes. brushing by the same sink with your friends. getting drunk on cheap red wine.

gemini: knowing you can't afford it but still walking into bookstores to take in the smell even when it's just a minute. poetry without a rhyming scheme. snow-covered hills. bakery stops on road trips.

cancer: reading a really good book and being unable to start any other book after that. putting your head out from the window of a fast moving car. getting to meet the band after a concert. handwritten notes.

leo: walking on the streets and smelling something that reminds you of your childhood but never finding out what. not realizing you fell asleep and waking up with a blanket. bonfires by the beach. holding hands.

virgo: being greeted with the smell of cinnamon and coffee, the first thing in the morning. finding more than one rainbow in the sky. drunk tattoos that turn out good. green traffic lights.

libra: driving slowly with your family on your way back from a trip because you don't want it to be over. being hugged after you've had a long day. friendship bracelets. spotting constellations.

scorpio: that unexpected warm day in the middle of winters that you spend outside doing nothing. waking up from a nightmare and realizing it's not real. bumping into childhood friends. easy exam papers.

sagittarius: lights in a cinema going dim and grinning at your friend because you've waited for this movie for a long time. sneaking in and not getting caught. watching city lights from a height. pocket size journals.

capricorn: finding money, even a small amount, in places you kept and forgot. collecting books for your future library. being drunk and sleepy but staying up till dawn. breakfast for dinner.

aquarius: that one t-shirt you've had for 7 years, the one with holes but you still wear. being loved in a way that you understand. quotes written in bathroom stalls. mint plants.

pisces: being called an idiot (followed by a smile) because you know you've made it. meeting a stranger and hoping that they stay in your life. dark streets only lit by moonlight. singing in cars.

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