archetypes for the signs

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aries: the daredevil, desert rose, lone ranger, the heroine, femme fatale, rock star, warrior/amazon princess, provocateur, flirt, slut, seductress, competitive girlfriend.

taurus: the caretaker, sweet pea, Eve (of Adam & Eve), Aphrodite, pin-up, beauty queen, trophy wife, silent screen actress, banker's daughter, millionaire heiress, earth mama, nature lover, queen, matriarch.

gemini: art salon-hostess, flirt, intellectual, magical fairy, elf or sprite, Cleopatra, Puella (eternal little girl who won't grow up), storyteller, provocateur, trickster, shape-shifter, actress, networker, muse.

cancer: the mother, love poet, mommy's little girl, the orphan, a lush orchid, the incurable romantic, heaven, oyster and pearl, a lighthouse, sister of the moon, safe haven, statue of Liberty, shells on the ocean floor, buried treasure, Dorothy (the Wizard of Oz).

leo: the artist, ingenue, creator, attention-getter, clown, showgirl, diva, queen, actress, flame tulips, Beauty (Beauty & the Beast), popular one, lover, enchantress.

virgo: servant, rescuer, Cinderella, sexual priestess, Virgin Mary, madonna/whore, angel, helpful one, enchantress, Garden of Eden, the invisible one, prostitute, expert, critic, nag, codependent, masochist, love slave.

libra: a diamond, social butterfly, judge, scales, red rose, lead ballerina, director, ultimate hostess, one-half of a power couple, tightrope walker, negotiator, peace-lover, lover, mediator, sensitive, "lover not a fighter".

scorpio: the black widow, prostitute, phoenix, thorny red rose, belly dancer, erotic dancer, smoldering ashes, scorpion, seductress, celibate, psychologist, jealous one, fortress, the betrayer/betrayed, vampiress, alchemist, shaman, spy.

sagittarius: the gypsy-wanderer, seeker, nomadic princess, explorer, safari guide, mapmaker, fortune-teller, the student, high priestess, exotic foreigner, philosopher, temptress, Puella (eternal little girl).

capricorn: daddy's little girl, adult, provider, ice queen, prostitute, power suit, status-seeker, role model, woman in a man's world, boss woman, single lady, wise woman, wizard, hermit, experienced one.

aquarius: the sexual rebel, outsider, glamourous one, trend-setter, untouchable beauty, truth-teller, caged bird/free bird, prisoner of love, free-spirit, peace-lover, idealist, visionary, friend, humanitarian.

pisces: hopeless romantic, magical child, actress, illusionist, victim, martyr, compassionate healer, mother teresa, beloved, good samaritan, lost soul, soul mate, codependent, sadist, psychic, rescuer, guru, ocean, siren, devotee, dream weaver.

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