Chapter 1: Suprise?

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Noah Williams

"Thank you so much, guys," Calum speaks into the mike, "We wouldn't be where we are today without the support you've all given us throughout the last three years!"

"This is our very last show for this worldwide tour," Killian breathes into the mike exhausted after taking a drink from his water bottle. Sweat soaked his jet black hair. A chorused boo was heard throughout the 40,000 seated stadium. "I know, I know," Ian waves his hand towards the audience.

"But you guys were amazing tonight! Thank you for being an amazing crowd!" Brian yelled into the mike. The boo's being yelled by every teenage girl in the audience were replaced with once again loud screaming. Brian went to speak into the mike again but before he could, I grabbed the mike away.


"Alright, my turn." I scowled jokingly at Ian but then failed and broke into a smile, making my dimples appear. "We hope you all enjoyed the show and we hope to see you next year!" More screams ignited the stadium and I couldn't help but smile. "Drive safely and goodnight, everyone!"

"Sir," I felt a nudge. "The plane has landed." Opening my eyes slowly, I was greeted with a smiling flight attendant standing above me. Yawning, I waved the flight attendant away signaling her of my awakening state. Unbuckling my seat belt, I stood up and stretched my stiff limbs. A nineteen hour flight does that to you.

After the last show in Cape Town with the boys, we hung around backstage for an hour and just reminisced about the shows we've had throughout this worldwide tour. I sure was going to miss them a lot. Being on tour for nearly a year with them and being together as a band for four years definitely made me grow use to their presence.

They were like brothers to me. I had no doubts that I was going to miss seeing them daily.

I walked out of my private jet and walked towards the black car already waiting for me. My chauffeur, Nicholas, walked out of the vehicle upon my arrival to open my car door for me but I waved him off signaling him I could do it. I hated when others did simple things for me, even if it was apart of their job to do so. Just because I was well-known does not mean I was not capable to do such things.

I just want to be treated like any normal person.. but I guess when your face is plastered on nearly every girl teenagers wall, billboard, and your music is blasting from nearly every radio station, that's a luxury I'm not able to have.

"Where to Mr. Williams?" The chauffeur asked, looking at me in the rear view mirror.

"To my penthouse."


We soon pulled up to the building. My tiredness had worn off during the drive to my flat and was soon replaced with excitement. Looking back down at the tulips I had made Nicholas stop for before we made our way to the penthouse, I couldn't help the smile that fought it's way onto my lips. I really hoped she liked them. I remember her telling me about how the tulips she saw while she was walking around the city were "to die for". After only being able to see her through Skype and hearing her voice only through the phone when we'd talk late at nights due to the time differences for nearly a year and a half, I was finally able to not just see her but touch her. Kiss her. Make love to her. My girlfriend of three years, Mariah.

"I'll have your bags up in a moment, Mr. Williams." I heard Nicholas say but payed no mind to because as soon as we pulled up to the front doors, I practically ran out of the car with the tulips in hand and made my way to the elevators. I couldn't wait to see my baby. She thought I was arriving a week from now because I told her I was going to spend a week with the guys being as we won't hang around as much due to the tour ending. Little did she know I actually flew in today and the extra week of staying in Cape Town was just a lie to surprise her of my week early arrival. I couldn't stop smiling as the elevator rose up to the penthouse.

The elevator dinged and I made my way towards my door. Pushing the key in and unlocking the door, I pushed the door open. The first thing I noticed were the clothes scattered all over the flat. Making sure to close the door slowly, I made my way through the flat. The clothes surely did not look like mine, but among the scatter of clothes were not only someone else's but also Mariah's. The TV was left on but the moans that were coming from Mariah and I's bedroom was much more overpowering.

No.. She wouldn't have. My heart was pumping wildly with adrenaline as I made my way towards our bedroom door.

There she was. With some random guy. On what use to be our bed.

"What the hell, Mariah?!" I yelled at the two as I held the bouquet of tulips in one hand and the other gipping tightly onto the door. Mariah stared at me with an open mouth as she tried to cover herself with the white sheets. The f^ck!ng guy in bed with her shared the same exact expression but didn't bother to cover.

"I-I could explain!" she said after she recomposed herself a bit but still stared with a shocked expression. But what was there to explain? She clearly f^ck!ng cheated on me with some guy! She was right there on what use to be our bed!

"There's nothing to explain, Mariah! You f^ck!ng cheated on me by having s3x with some random guy!" I yelled angrily at her. "To think that three years actually mean't something to you!" I scoffed turning around and making my way out with the bouquet of flowers tightly gripped in my hand. She wasn't worthy of the flowers. Or me. I made a note to remind myself to toss them in the trash right outside the building. I heard what assumed to be the guy in bed with her asking her who I was but I'm guessing she ignored him because soon later, I felt her familiar soft hand gripping onto my wrist and tensed.

"Please, Noah! Don't leave!" she cried. She was crying. I scoffed. Ha! She has the nerve to cry! I was the one who got cheated on! I turned around and stared coldly back into her green eyes.

"I hope you have a good life, Mariah."

Alright! That's the first chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Any criticism would also be appreciated since I'm trying to improve in away I can. Please show your support and leave comments and likes on the chapter. It means so much to me you guys have no idea. :)

Until next time! - B.

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