Chapter 4: Once In A Life Time Moment

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Previously on On Cloud 9 In Hawaii:

Noah Williams? No way.

What is a celebrity doing here?

He's not filming a movie is he?

I mean, that's what other celebrities come to Oahu for - movies. They never vacation here. They'd be recognized in an instant. So why exactly is he here? "Come on! Let's go ask for a picture!" Mark grabbed his luggage along with my hand and pulled me towards the guy.


Skylar Radford

We were twenty feet away from the green eyed God.

I can't believe Mark's making me do this. Surely thee Noah Williams wouldn't want us bothering him. He looked busy typing on his phone.

Fifteen feet.

But this could be a once in a lifetime moment... It's not everyday you bump into a celebrity or in this case a Greek God like himself.

Ten feet.

He tucked his phone into his pocket and was scanning the area like he did earlier. His eyes casted our way. Mark waved whereas I looked away.

Five feet.

Mark is grinning like a fool. Noah Williams is the first celebrity we've both met but I'm sure it's obvious we both know who's more excited to meet the guy.

Two feet.

I can't believe this is -

"Hey, man! You're Noah Williams, yeah?" My brother asked grinning. Noah looked shocked and looked around before answering.

"Um, yeah." He gave a small smile. He was even more attractive up close. "Would you like a picture?"

"We'd love a picture!" Mark let go of his luggage and grabbed his phone out of his pocket, opening the camera. Mark went to stand next to Noah and brought the camera up to take the selfie of them. "Scar, get your butt here!"

"It's alright I'm just -"

Mark grabbed my arm and wrapped his arm around me and laid his arms on my shoulders.


"So," I started as I twiddled my fingers and looked at the floor. I felt Noah's stare on me so I looked up at his green eyes. "What are you doing in Hawaii?" He looked surprised which I didn't understand. He didn't think that someone wouldn't have asked him that, did he? He's in Hawaii for goodness sake! Hawaii was the last place I would think of seeing thee world-wide known superstar.

"It's complicated.." he said and ran his hand through his hair, causing his hair to become a mess but somehow it caused him to even become much more attractive. His phone made a sound signaling he got a message. I glanced at Mark and saw him editing the picture we took a minute ago.

"Damn it," Noah said frustrated and shoved his phone into his pocket. "Can you guys do me a favor?" Mark looked up at that and placed his phone into his pocket.

"Sure, man. What can we do for you?" Noah scratched his scruff and stared hard at the floor. It was obvious he was debating about whether or not he should ask us for help. I don't blame him. He's in a place he's never stepped foot on. I would be hesitant, too.

"Can you give me a ride to..." he pinched the bridge of his nose and mumbled something before meeting my eyes then settled on my brothers. "My house?" My eyes widened. He has a house on the island? Since when? Isn't this his first time here?

Before my brother could reply, I spoke.

"Are you sure?" I jokingly squinted my eyes at him. "For all you know, we could be murders," I stared him straight in the eyes, "... or even drug lords." I whispered dramatically to him. "I mean look at him," I pointed at Mark, "where do you think he got all the money from having a louis vuitton bag like that?" Noah's eyes darted to the louis vuitton duffle bag mark was currently hanging onto. The guy seemed to be having second thoughts about us because he shuffled his feet before deciding on taking a few steps back cautiously. I bit my lip to hold back from breaking out into laughter.

"She's just joking," Marks chuckles mixed with mine, "I could assure that we're not drug lords nor are we murders. But if you'd still want, we wouldn't mind dropping you off your house." Noah laughed and turned red from embarrassment, I'm assuming from believing such a lie.

"That'd be great. Thank you." Noah smiled appreciatively and stared at my brother and I. His eyes, however; held mine a bit longer than necessary which caused me to blush and avert my eyes towards my vans.

"Our ride's over..." Mark started as he looked around before his eyes caught the matte black jeep. "... there," he pointed at it. We walked in the direction of the jeep and loaded our luggage in the back and placed the rest of the luggage in the back seats. Mark asked Noah where his house was and apparently the guy has a house in the same area we live in - North Shore.

We all buckled in with Mark driving, Noah in the back seat and myself sitting in the front. I offered him the front passenger seat but he said something about not wanting to be recognized. This however, led me to become more curious about his arrival on the island.

What made Noah Williams suddenly fly 6,000 miles to a small island in the middle of the pacific?

Why didn't he want to be recognized? Surely, being a celebrity, he'd be use to it? What was so different about being photographed this time around?

Why didn't he have a ride to his house?

And most importantly, what cologne is he wearing? Because lord almighty jesus, he smelt hella good.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in nearly a month, guys!

I've been focusing in on school, especially since it's my junior year and I'm really trying to aim for straight A's this year. Anyways, I'm sorry if this chapter sucked. I've edited this chapter multiple times but no matter how many times I've done it, it just didn't come out so great. On the brighter side, I've found someone to cast for Mark Radford!

The person being casted as Mark Radford will be
The NEXT London Male Model
Antonio Navas!

The person being casted as Mark Radford will be The NEXT London Male Model Antonio Navas!

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P.S. I realized that the person I casted as Noah, Louren Groenewald, does not have a scruff even though his character does... so just imagine Louren Groenewald with a scuff or something.

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