Chapter 2: Flying Coach

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Previously on On Cloud 9 In Hawaii:

"Please, Noah! Don't leave!" she cried. She was crying. I scoffed. Ha! She has the nerve to cry! I was the one who got cheated on! I turned around and stared coldly back into her green eyes.

"I hope you have a good life, Mariah."


Noah Williams

"Hi Sir," the airport attendant greeted me with a smile.  "How can I help you today?" Her eyes descended towards my outfit. After leaving the flat and Mariah, I made the decision of heading to the airport to get as far away from here. In order for me to do so, I had to disguise myself from the paparazzi. I really didn't want them to follow me around after what happened and I really needed peace. As long as paparazzi's were around, that luxury would be out of reach. So here I am wearing a grey beanie, a black adidas hoodie with the hoodie up, black joggers, black converse, and dark shades to cover my face.

"I need a ticket for the next flight out to Hawaii." I told her, not bothering to greet her back. On the way to the airport, I figured what better place to go to than Hawaii? The lady who's name is Juliet according to her name tag, nodded and started typing on the keyboard in front of her and made a few clicks with her mouse.

"I'm sorry, Sir but it seems that the flights to Hawaii are all booked for the next two days..." she said sadly as her eyes scanned the computer screen in front of her before they met mine. I sighed in return and pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration before moving my hand to scratch my scruff. Now where the f^ck am I suppose to go to now? No way in hell am I going back to my flat where that women is probably f^ck!ng  some other guy again. How many guys did she bring over? This couldn't have been the first time, right? Did she even feel guilty? Most importantly, how long has been this been going on?

"However," she added after staring at me for a while. "There is one available seat for a flight to Oahu in an hour." Hell, I didn't care which island I was on. Just as long as I was far away from here and could somehow be a form of distraction from Mariah.

"I'll take it!"



I was flying in coach.

The last time I flew in coach was 5 years ago, before the band was formed. After that, we all flew in a private jet, exclusively for us. When I had enough money to buy my own private jet, I bought myself one, too.

Now you're probably wondering, why am I flying in coach when I have my own private jet? I gave my pilot a vacation since I figured I wasn't going to be needing the jet for a while after finishing the tour. I thought I was going to spend time with Mariah but we all know how that went.

So here I stood staring at my chair number. In coach.

There wasn't anything bad about flying in coach, it's just every experience I've had flying in it was never the greatest nor the comfiest. When I flew in the private jet, it had space for me to move, all the food and snacks I wanted, and the peace and quiet I oh so crave after doing a concert. Flying coach had none of those things.

I looked at who were seated behind me and found a couple in their 40s and breathed a sigh of relief. It's not a kid. You see, being seated in front of a child in an airplane is never the greatest thing. Why? Well, all the experiences I've experienced having a child sit behind me were filled with constant kicks to my chair. I swear, those kids could be a champion in kickboxing. Also yes, those stories you hear about toddlers kicking people's airplane seats are true. I didn't sleep that entire 6 hour flight.

"Excuse me, Mr., but that's my seat right there." I heard a girl's voice come from behind me. I glanced at the girl to catch her pointing at the window seat next to mine. She had to be no older than 15.

Oh god. I hope she isn't a fan. Don't take that the wrong way, it's just I couldn't risk having news leak out that I was seen on a flight out of New York. The paparazzi would be on my a$$.

I quickly moved out of the girls way, making sure to hide my face with my hoodie, beanie, and shades. I must have stuck out like a sore thumb with my appearance but I was desperate to keep my identity a secret and I just knew it was going to be a lot harder with who I was seated next to. Especially when I'm not sure whether or not she's a fan.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to please remove your sunglasses." Why me? I thought as I shut my eyes tight and breathed out. I was positive the 15 year old had her eyes on me and to no avail, when I shifted my eyes to her, she did. Great. Just great. "Sir." Well, here it goes. Facing straight ahead seated in my seat, I took my shades off and heard a soft gasp to the left of me.

"Oh my-"

"Thank you, sir. Please prepare to buckle up now because the airplane will begin to take off in a few minutes." The airline attendant smiled. Whether it was a real one or not, I was not quite sure.

"You're Noah Williams."

Oh right. I turned my head to the girl and smiled, exposing my dimples.

"Hello there." I waved at her star struck face. Now that my eyes had a better look of her, she had wavy brunette hair with big dark brown eyes. She wore grey sweatpants and a black hoodie.

"Can I get a picture with you?" She asked, fumbling with her iPhone after recovering from her shock.

I had to say yes.

I didn't have it in me to deny her of a picture even though I so badly wished I could have, because I had no idea whether news about a fan seeing me on an airplane disguised, was something that I would end up seeing once I've landed on Oahu.

So all I could do throughout the rest of this entire 5 hour flight was hope that she wouldn't say a word about this encounter...

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