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"We are standing outside of the Jackson Family Estate where there have been shocking developments. A source says r and b icon Toni Braxton has taken Katherine Jackson, the mother of legendary Michael and Janet Jackson, hostage. There are no reports as to what caused this mental break but its been well documented that Braxton and Janet Jackson were close friends." the interviewer from CNN news anchor stood just beyond the gates of the house.

"Get these new people out of here." Chief of police ordered.

"Cant, they have freedom of press. They are are within their legal bounds." a cop answered.

"No, no, no! That is NOT acceptable. This is a personal matter. There has got to be something you guys can do."the Jackson family publicist argued.

"There is. I can get Mrs. Jackson out of that house safely. I'll handle my job. Now you handle yours."

Janet tried to tune out the useless conversation. She was all alone standing there. Her siblings had arrived hours ago and they preferred to freak out in a group that did not include her. It was no surprise that they blamed her for everything.

She was too anxious. All she could think about was how crazy Toni actually was and what could be happening to her mother.Janet knew she had to do something. Just like in the movies, the police were little to no help. The chief had told her it would be awaiting game but Janet was not willing to wait for her crazy ex to kill her mother.

Taking a chance Janet sprinted past the police baracade and into her childhood home. It was dark and far too quiet.

"Who is there? I told you pigs that if one person stepped foot in this house I would slit her throat." Toni spoke angrily.

"Wait Toni its me! Its me. Its Janet." Janet turned the corner into the living room with her hands up. She could see her mother sitting on the couch with a towel shoved in her mouth and tape holding her wrists together.

"Oh thank god it you. I thought I was going to have to kill someone...else." Toni giggled. She followed Janet's gaze to her mother. "Its not like I wanted to hurt Mrs. K. I just needed you to know im serious about us."

Janet's heart was going crazy as she looked over the wide array of knives laid out on the coffee table. She knew she had to play along.

"I got the message T. I know you care." Janet gulped. "But doing this to my mom is taking it too far."

"It was not supposed to be this way. I just wanted to feel close to you when I came here. You took it this far." Toni pointed her knife at Janet.

Katherine screamed from behind her gag for Toni to leave her baby alone.

"Its okay mom. Toni is harmless. She wont hurt me. She loves me, right?" Janet asked Toni.

"I do. God knows I do. I did not mean for all this to happen Mrs. K. I hope this doesnt change your opinion of me." Toni smiled at the older woman as she petted her hair. A tear rolled down Katherine eye from the overwhelming fear.

"Let her go. This can all be over if you just let us go."

"I cant trust you J. Im in love, not stupid. If I let your mom go then whats stopping you from leaving right now and having those pigs outside arrest me."

Janet had to think quickly. "Because I will stay. I will stay here with you." Janet took a cautious step to Toni. "We have spent to much time apart and its all my fault. I want to make up for it." Toni softened her expression. "You were right, we belong together." Janet gently grabbed Toni's hand and pulled the knife away. Toni sighed a breath of relief. Janet smiled at her and grazed her cheek. Toni's eyes fluttered with desire. Katherine watched on with a mixture of emotions. Janet wrapped her arms around Toni's body and pulled her in for a kiss.

Janet raised the knife that she now held in her hand up.She was scared. She was cautious. She was determined. She went to plunge the knife deep in side Toni's back when Toni pulled away from the kiss. Janet's eyes widened in shock. She dropped the knife when she saw what Toni was holding...a gun.

"If I cant have you in life, I will have you in death." Toni said before she unloaded her bullets into Janet's body.

Its was all slow motion for Janet as the hot steel penetrated her body. She fell to the ground with four bullets in her chest, two in her arm, and one in her leg.

Janet's mind faded into back. Her last moment were for Toni's face and her mother's groan of anguish.

Toni got down on her knees and straddled Janet. She heard the police begin to invade the home after hearing the gun shoot.

"I shall have you in death." Toni said before putting the gun in her mouth and pulling the trigger. Her limp body fell onto of Janet. It was a cold sight.


Jennifer grabbed the last of her hospital bags and limped her way out into the hall way. She clutched the teddy bear Janet had given her to her chest. The kind nurses and doctors waved her goodbye. After everything that had happened, she was sort of and infamous patient. They were going to miss her.

"I thought I told you to wait for me."

Jennifer smiled as Janet crutched her way over to her.She had one arm in a cast and the leg in a cast but she was as beautiful as ever.

"You are more beat up than I am. What would you have done, have your bodyguard push my wheelchair?"

"That doesnt sound so bad, does it?" Janet joked."No seriously Mike has a car waiting outside for us."

"Remind me to thank Michael for making you wear that bulletproof vest."

"Trust me. I do everyday."


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