I Need A Favor

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It's been a week since I've gotten back from boarding school. Now I'm back in California. I love it here, even though I left I always knew I would come back. I just didn't think it'd take me so long to get the courage to go back to school. Today was my first day back to school,

I was at my locker, playing with my dirty blond hair that was apparently very pretty, according to Melody. It was so loud in the hallways, I couldn't hear my own thoughts. It was the end of the day. Friday. I couldn't wait to get out of this place. I was gathering up all my stuff when I heard someone cough to get my attention.

It was Harper. She had been with two other girls behind her and flipped her hair. She thought she was so amazing and popular... when she really wasn't. She was very snobby, or should I say, bitchy.

"Hi there, Ariel. Just wanted to say that you should go back to boarding school where you belong." She said. I could easily fight fire with fire. It was pretty stupid for her to say and she pretty much acts like a five-year-old but it was fun to see her reaction when you insulted her.

"Well you should go to a trashcan, where you belong." I insulted.

She grunted and then walked away. I won the battle. It felt good because nothing really happened this week.

Then the 'barbie's dolls' walked by. The popular girls boy toys. We call the popular girls 'barbies' and the boys 'barbie dolls' because they like to play with them and mess around with them. Sometimes it's actually really funny, but the names were really stupid.

The boys where Michell, the jokester. Tobias, the jock. And the Leader, Grant. He was my best friends brother. And he was walking straight towards me.

"Hi, um.." he said. Grant hadn't talked to me in a year or maybe even years at this point, so, of corse, he didn't even remember my name.

"Do you really forget my name?"I asked, "I grew up with you,"

I said and there was some silents until I broke it and said, "I'm your sisters best friend."

"Yeah, okay, so what is your name?" He asked me.

I sighed, "Ariel. My name is Ariel. What do you want?"

"I need you to do me a favor."

"What is it? Just tell me already," I actually wanted to know at this point.

Then he whispered, "I need a fake girlfriend. Don't ask any questions. Just please, please do it."

He was begging me at this point and if I said no, then what would Melody think?

"Uh, fine." I responded, knowing that I would regret this in the future.

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