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Months has passed by, and it's summer now. My friends and I are all going to be freshmen! I'm happy it's summer, but truthfully, I can't wait for it to end. I was at a outdoor ice cream place with Grant. It was really close to the neighborhood we lived in, so we just walked. Speaking of Grant, we're not together. But we're not just friends either. But really, I don't know what's going on between us.

"Could you get me some cookie dough ice cream? I'll be sitting on the bench." I said to Grant.

"Sure." He responded.

I went and sat down. Then I realized that there was a couple of guys staring at me. Guys I knew. It was Toby and his friend, Grayson.

Sadly, they were starting to walk towards me.

"Hey, Beautiful." Toby said.

"What do you want?" I said angrily.

"Oh, feisty," Grayson said, "I like it."

"What you guys want?" I said, still sitting down and even more mad.

"I want to know why you haven't been talking to me Princess?" Toby asked and put two fingers under my chin.

I moved his hand away and said, "One, don't call me that, and two, your an asshole."

"Why not? Princess suits you." Toby said.

"What happened to you? Where did the nice, sweet, fun loving Toby I know go?" I said.

"He's gone because of you." He said, "He's gone because you left."

Then there was a pause between all three of us.

Toby leaned down as I leaned back away, then he whispered, "And I'm going to get you back."

At that very moment, Grant got my hand and we walked away when Grayson yelled, "Bye Princess!"

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