Little Ash 1

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Steve remembered when Ash was 5 and 6. She was adorable then. She had met Bucky, Loki, Thor, and everyone else. She would play with them and look up to them. But sometimes, she just cheered them up.
Steve remembered the time when Ash was 4. She had nightmares all the time. Mostly about losing the Avengers and her friends. She didn't care about the money, or the hobos. She only wanted her family. Her giant, messing, childish, strong, loving family.
Ash had a nightmare. It was about a storm. Of course, it was storming outside, but this was in her dream. The Avengers, including Ash, were fighting a monster. He was massive and scary to Ash, but the Avengers didn't quit. After every Avenger was down, the monster came and grabbed Ash right before she woke up.
Ash ran into her fathers' room and shook Tony. Tony looked up tiredly to a terrified Ash. Steve was also awoken.
"What's wrong Ash?" Tony had asked.
"Nightmare," she murmured, tears streaming her cheeks. Tony picked her up and put her between the heros.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Steve questioned. Ash shook her head and cuddled Steve's large bare chest.
"Come on, let's go back into your room," Tony picked the child up and placed her on the ground. She gripped Tony's hand as they walked down the hallway. They past Loki.
"Mr. Stark, what are you doing?" Loki asked.
"Ash had a nightmare," Tony replied tiredly.
"Come, I will handle her," Loki offered.
"No, I can't let you do that Loki," Tony said.
"Oh, but I insist. You look exhausted, go to sleep. I promise nothing will hurt her," Loki promised.
"Fine. Good night, Ash," Tony ruffled the 4 year old's hair.
"Night, Daddy," she murmured. Loki walked her back to her room.
"So, what did you dream?" Loki sat down next to Ash. She told him about the storm and the monster. About the terrifying scene of dead Avengers. After the story was done, Ash was basically in tears again.
"Sh.." Loki soothed. "Calm down. Now, I used to have nightmares just like you do. Do you wish me to tell you a bedtime story?" Ash nodded. Loki then told her one of his childhood memories. Finally, the child's eyes drooped, but she wasn't going to sleep. Her chocolate brown eyes showed Loki that she was too scared to sleep. Ash didn't want the nightmares to return.
"Do not worry. The dreams will not return," Loki promised. He realized that he was tired himself. It was 3 o'clock in the morning. While Loki soothed the girl, he became more sleepy.
"Loki, thank you for staying here," Ash said right as she curled up against the god and fell asleep. Loki too, slept peacefully.
Tony walked into his daughter's room the next morning. It took all his willpower not to laugh at the scene.
What he saw was hilarious and adorable at the same time. Loki, the God of Mischief, and his daughter, a four year old avenger, slept peacefully on Ash's bed. Loki made no sound at all while Ash had the cutest little snore. Tony's hands were tightly over his mouth, sealing in the laughter. Tony snapped a picture of the two right before Loki awoke.
"What in Odin's name?" Loki pushed his hair back right as he heard Tony. Ash jumped up and fire glowed on her hands.
"Chill Ash!" Tony laughed.
"Anthony! I request that you say nothing to anyone about this," Loki warned. His cheeks were bright red.
"I've got a picture!" Tony yelled.
"I've also got a picture of you at the Christmas Party," Ash teased.
"JARVIS! Delete the picture of me at the Christmas Party!" Tony exclaimed.
"I cannot, Sir. Ash requested for me to have it prepared for such an occasion," JARVIS replied.
"He will, right after you delete all images of this occasion," Loki ordered.
"Fine," Tony agreed, knowing that it was a very embarrassing Christmas for him. "JARVIS. Delete all copies of the picture."
"Done, Sir," JARVIS announced.
"Bye, Guys! I'm going to play with Landon!" Ash ran out of the room. Loki teleported, and Tony just walked.

Thank You, TonyWhere stories live. Discover now