Little Ash 2: Meeting Loki

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This happened before Ash met Loki.

Ash ran over to her best friend's house and knocked on his door.
"Oh, hey, Ash," Landon's dad answered the door.
"Hello, Mr. Jack. Can Landon come out and pway?" Ash asked.
"Of course," Jack called Landon. The kindergarden ran to the door.
"Ash!" Landon chased after his friend.
The two children ran all around the yard, chasing after each other until one collapsed in laughter. The two kindergardeners then tickled each other insane.
"No! Wahahahandon! Stop!" Ash laughed as Landon tickled her ribcage. Landon only laughed himself.
"No way!" Landon giggled. Ash turned the tables and tickled Landon's sides mercilessly. The boy squealed and laughed.
"ASH! COME HERE!! YOU NEED TO MEET SOMEONE!!" Steve yelled. Ash said goodbye and ran to her house.
"Hi Papa, hi Daddy," Ash smiled and walked in.
"Who are you?!" Loki asked in a shocked voice.
"Cawly Ash Stawk," she whispered. She was known to be silent around new people.
"She's our daughter," Steve put one arm on Ash's shoulder and another around Tony.
"So, you're the offspring of the two heros? I honestly never thought I'd see the day," Loki smirked. Ash stared at him. She may be quiet, but she was not scared.
"Papa, is.... is this the guy who twied to take over the wowld?" Ash asked. Steve nodded.
"Yes," Steve answered.
"I am a god, for your information. Also, Carly, you father both beat me at some point," Loki admitted.
"You can caw me Ash. And thewe is only on god, wight Dad?" She looked at Tony.
"Ask your Papa," he pointed to Steve and Steve nudged him.
"Of course," Steve replied.
"Anyway," Thor interrupted. "Loki has asked to join the Avengers."
"Ha.. no," Tony said along with Clint.
"Wait, what if he's changed?" Ash asked, seeing Loki's sad expression.
"Changed? Changed?!? Ash, people like Loki can't change. He tried to kill me and Steve. Do you want someone like that on our team?" Tony disagreed.
"Sometimes peopwe do things they shouldn't. Mostwy because they are dwunken or taken over by feaw, guiwt, or sadness," Ash argued smartly. Tony opened his mouth but then closed it again. Loki smiled sadly at her.
"Loki, you've got a little friend," Thor whispered to Loki. He smirked.
"She was just helping," Loki pointed out and blushed a little.
"What?" Ash asked, Tony glared hard at her.
"Tony, who does she remind you of?" Steve asked gently.
"*Sigh*..... me," Tony confessed.
"Yep. She acts just like you, Stark," Bruce agreed.
"She has neither of your looks. She's cute," Loki teased. He then realized they took it the wrong way. "Quit thinking negative!!"
"I'm cute," Tony argued. Ash had Tony's dark brown hair and Steve's brilliant blue eyes. She had Tony's perfect skin but Steve's gentle attitude..... mostly. She never gave up, that's from Stark. Yet, she was easy going and brave. Last but not least, she could fight forever.
"So.. Loki, youw Thow's bwother?" Ash asked curiously.
"Adopted, yes," Loki replied.
"Come on, Loki. We grew up as brothers. Can we not be brothers?" Thor slapped Loki on the back playfully. Loki panted for a while to try and remember how to breathe. Ash felt on her head.
"Oh no.... whewe's my hat?" She started looking around. Under the table? Nope. Behind the counter? No. At Landon's? Bingo. "Um... Dad. I kinda weft my hat at Wandon's and-"
"-and you can go get it," Steve interrupted. Ash took off.
"Nice child. Obedient. Kind. Cute," Loki congradulated.
"Just..... bye," Tony waved him off and watched his daughter grab her camouflage hat off the ground.
His daughter had just met the God of Mischief.
Oh God.

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