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"THE FUCK LUKE!!!" I yelled at my uncle Luke. Luke had just thrown me in his pool and now I'm soaked from head to toe. And I was pissed. I had a temper like uncle Tyler and uncle Marcel combined. But Luke didn't know that. I smirked Evily at him. I dragged myself outta the pool. I then dragged him in and we made a huge splash. When we reached the surface Luke coughed. I smiled and laughed my physcopathic laugh like my dad. "SPLISH SPLASH MOTHERTRUCKER!!!" I yelled. I got out of the pool and got a towel. I walked over to Luke and handed him a towel. He frowned at me.

"You know your aunt is gonna be pissed at you for ruining her carpets with your wet ass." I rolled my eyes at him. I dried off and went into my room I was staying in. I changed into a shirt that looked like a suit top, black skinny jeans, my glasses and yellow flip flops. Yeah I wear classes deal with it nerd. I also threw my hair up into a bun and walked down stairs. Luke was still outside drying off. I laughed at him and went back up stairs and packed most of my clothes and left out a outfit for tomorrow. Tomorrow I leave North Carolina and go back home to my dad and my uncles. I'm not related to my uncles by blood but they are my dads friends that he has known for a long time. Well I'll explain the story.

My dad is the one and only H2ODelirious. My name is Josephine Maddilon Denis. Dad had me with some dumb ass women when he was 16 almost 17. And now he is in his 32. Yeah I'm 16 now. I look a lot like my dad. I'm a spitting image. I have icy blue eyes. Long Raven hair. All the shabang. I have a laugh like his. But it's more feminine. I'm about 5'8.

My dad is about 6 foot at most. So I have his height. And I love to play video game just like dad. I bet you are wondering how he kept me a secret. Well I was always in my room with music in my ears playing video games. I was dads first sub. It was pretty cool. But that's beside the point.


I went down stairs right when Aunt Jen got home. I ran up and hugged her. "AUNTY!!!" I yelled loudly when I hugged her. Luke came in when he was fully dried and chuckled at me. I turned to him and flipped him off. Aunt Jen hit me upside my head. I turned and growled at her. "The hell was that for!" I yelled she shook her head.

"You are just like your father. Always cussing and getting into trouble." She shook her head again. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but dad is the fun sibling" I said under my breathe. He turned to look at me with wide eyes.

"What did you just say missy!" She said loudly. I rolled my eyes at my aunt. She is the aunt I love at times and hate. I liked Aunt Simone better. Simone is Marcel's girlfriend. I didn't like Sydney, uncle Evans girlfriend. I think she is cheating on him. She seems nice but when I'm alone with her she is a B-I-T-C-H. I don't like her.

"I said." I cleared my throat. "DAD IS THE FUNNER SIBLING BETWEEN YOU TWO!!!" I yelled. Her eyes went wide and her face red. I smirked and I knew I pissed her off and I was proud. I didn't care if she hated me forever I'd still come and visit Luke. She pointed up the stairs.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM JOSEPHINE MADDILON DENIS!!!" She yelled at me. I rolled my eyes again and went upstairs. I had a early flight to catch so I set an alarm on my phone and fell asleep.

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