Tweets Texts and Uncles

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I recorded some GTA so I could use that and I was gonna Collide that With dads old footage. I then edited it all so it looked badass and put it over me sining. I then uploaded it. Not even 5 minutes after its uploaded my phone was blown outta the water. I had 5 texts from Evan. 7 from David. 2 Craig. Brian 3. Brock 1. Tyler 3. Marcel 2. Simone 1. Ryan 2. And Luke 1. I was amazed that I had so many texts in less than 2 minutes. They all flew at me at one. The phone kept ringing so I put it under my pillow. When it stopped I picked it up and looked at the texts.

Evan:You can sing!!!
Evan:Whatever. You have a beautiful voice and you should sing more often. Ok. That's all. Love you.

I decided to reply to Evan.

J:Uncle E thanks for the complement. Uncle David blew my phone up along with the rest of the crew. So I'm gonna reply to them before they freak even more.

I then looked at uncle David's next.

David:Girly I didn't know ye could sing.
David:We should do a duet together.
David:I'll come over there and drag ye to my house so we can sing
David:Josephine come over later I wanna talk ta ye.
David:I know that the others are blowing up ye phone so I'll talk to ye later. Loves.

I rolled my eyes at him and texted back:Ok love you too. I have some thing to do and then I'll be over.

Mini:J I didn't know you could sing. I'd love to hear you sing sometime.
Mini:Good luck with Nogla. You'll need it. Ok gotta go Dawn wants to go out love you!!!

I smiled at Uncle Mini's text. He always can make me smile. I texted him back with a simple thanks, have fun, be safe, and I love you too.

Terminator:Dude I didn't know you sang.
Terminator:You have a nice voice.
Terminator:When did you start singing?

I laughed at Uncle B's texts. I love the name I put for him too. I rolled my eyes.

J:Hello to you too Uncle Brian. I have always sang dude. I just don't sing loudly. So yeah.

Next was Brock.

Moo:Hey J. So I saw your video. You have a lovely voice. I bet you 10 bucks that the guys are blowing up your phone. So that's kinda all I gotta say. I love you have a good day and ignore Tyler I wanna see how pissed he gets.

I laughed. Uncle Moo can be evil if he wants. I'm wanna see how pissed he will get with me. I love Tyler to pieces but I love to piss him off. I replied with: Ok I will uncle moo. Thanks for the complement.

I just smiled at my phone. Next up was Uncle T. I have a feeling that his are gonna be the nicest besides Uncle Ohm and Aunt Simone. Cause ya see I like Simone the most out of all my aunts. Related or not she is still the best Aunt. Kelly is a runner up. Then Dawn and so on so forth.

Piggy:Josephine I didn't know you could sing. You got a nice voice.
Piggy:Kelly even said you have a nice voice and she doesn't really give out complements.
Piggy:You have a pretty voice. Hopefully Nogla will chill the fuck out and shit. He is going crazy cause his niece can sing. It's hilarious. Check out his Twitter.

I nodded. I'll check David Twitter.

When I got his Twitter he kept blowing it up.

DaithiDeNogla:@MistyInsanity ye have a awesome voice girl.

DaithiDeNogla:@MistyInsanity I'm gonna end up comin to ye house and taking ye and making ye sing so I can heard ye voice.

MistyInsanity:@DaithiDeNogla Calm your shit Uncle Potato. I'll sing but ya ain't kidnapping my ass.

DaithiDeNogla:@MistyInsanity I will if I got ta.

MistyInsanity:@DaithiDeNogla The fuck you will Uncle Potato.

DaithiDeNogla:@MistyInsanity Stop calling me uncle potato. I know I'm Irish and shit but I'm not a potato.

MistyInsanity:@DaithiDeNogla you Irish fuck. Your my uncle and I'll call ya uncle potato if I want.

DaithiDeNogla:@MistyInsanity whatever.

I chuckled and got off Twitter and went back to my texts. I then checked Uncle Marcy's texts.

Marcy:Hey girly. I didn't know you sang. When me and Simone watched your video she didn't seem surprised. Why's that.
Marcy:Did Simone know that you sing before me?

I giggled. Uncle Marcy is a crazy person

J:Maybe but you will never know.

I then checked Simones text.

Simon:Hey girly. I saw you finally uploaded a video of you singing. I'm so proud of you.

I smiled and sent her a thanks. Next was Ohm and CaRtOoNz.

Ohm:Ey what up I saw you uploaded a video of you singing. Ya got a pretty voice.
Ohm:I see that you are still a masked gamer like me and your pops. That's nice to know.

I just rolled my eyes and Uncle Ry. He is a weirdo.

J:Uncle Ry thanks and shit. I'm gonna be a masked gamer till ya and dad stop.

Uncle ohm replied right away to that.

Ohm: I understand that.

I nodded uncle ohm is one of my uncles that truly understands me. I finally looked at CaRtOoNz texts

ToOnZ:Hey so I see that you sing. When the fuck that happen? Jen says she sorry for being a bitch to you and she loves you. 

I rolled my eyes. No one in dads family likes me. Doubt that the bitch is sorry. She is probably saying that cause she knows Luke wants us to get along. As well as her and dad. I don't like dads family at all. Well his friends i like and that's it.

J:ToOnZ I hate my aunt. I only come to see you. Same with dad. His blood family don't like him cause he got a girl preggers at age 16. They abandoned him. He had to raise me on his own and he did a damn well job at it too. Quit school to take care of me and his family think he is a fuck up but yet they ask us for money. You know the story and shit. I'm not forgiving my aunt. I don't even like her.

I frowned at Luke. He can be a real idiot at times. Can't even tell when he is being lied too. Luke knows our story. Dads friends may not but I know the truth. I hate the Denis's. I went to Twitter again and posted a thanks to my uncles and dad.

MistyInsanity:@DaithiDeNogla @Mini_Ladd @I_AM_WILDCAT @BasicallyIDowrk @H2ODelirious @Vanossgaming @MooSnuckle @TheGamingTerrorisor @Lui_Calibre @CaRtOoNz @OhmWrecker Thanks for the support and shit with my singing. Also @MooSnuckle I'll give you 10 bucks latter cause you guessed right. Lol. Anyway thanks again. And @DaithiDeNogla you are not gonna kidnap me I'm pretty sure @H2ODelirious would whoop your ass before you even get close enough to touch me.

I posted it and chuckled. Some of my uncles said your welcome and others started asking moo why he gets 10 bucks. Piggy asked why I didn't reply and shit. The norm.

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