Scaring The Fam

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I ran up to my room and braided my hair. I threw on some clothes and put on dads hockey mask. I then ran down stairs and made linguini and set the table. I put on some pasta sauce on the linguini. I ran to the living room. Dad had called my uncles 12 minutes ago. So all of them would be here by 8. I had all my shit done by 7:30 and it would take them a bit to have all there shit done. All my uncles are coming. Just not with there girlfriends or wife. *cough cough* uncle moo. *cough*. Anyway I was under the couch that I had just cleaned under. I was wearing a blue and black flannel, black ripped skinny jeans and black socks. I also put my contacts in. I cracked my neck and knuckles.

Soon enough all my uncles were here. I pulled out my phone. It was on the lowest brightness. I checked the time. It was 8:05 when they came to the living room. I decided to text dad.


Sup pops.

Where you at

Under one of the couches. Look under all of them and look for a little bitta light.

Omfg Brian and moo are sitting on you. Hurry up before I fucking laugh.

Got it old man.

I turned my phone off and put it in my back pocket. I grabbed one of my uncles legs. I heard a Yelp. I knew that I grabbed uncle Brocks leg. I chuckled silently. I crawled out from the couch and army crawled to mini and Tyler. I crawled under that couch and I pulled on Tyler's pant leg. I pulled it hard. He lifted his legs and hugged them to his chest. I knew they were wondering what was happening. I grabbed mini's achilles' heel. He yelped as well. That made me chuckle once again. If I laugh to loud they would know it's me.

I crawled out from under mini and Tyler. I then crawled over to Lui and Daithi. I crawled under there couch. There was a hole under it. So I put my hand threw the hole and I was able to get there phones. I smiled brightly. I then got an idea. I crawled back to the others and cut holes big enough for my hands and I took there phones as well.

I put there phones in my front and back pants pockets. And put them in the boob pockets of my flannel. I then crawled over to dad and I tapped his neck. He knew I was ready. While this whole thing was going down they were talking about new games and YouTube. Jut the usual. I started to laugh quietly. Dads eyes went wide and he smiled. I continued to laugh. The guys looked everywhere for the sound of the noise. I then stopped abruptly and crawled to Tyler and Mini's couches cause they were in between all of the other couches. I laughed again and jumped over the couch and landed in there laps. They screamed like little school girls. Me and dad laughed like the psychopaths that we are. They all looked at me posed yet happy.

"Check your pockets nerds." They did and couldn't find there phones. By now I was leaning on dad and I put all the phones behind his back. They all looked at me. I held my arms out and they patted me down and found only my phone and a pocket knife. I just giggled the whole time. They dug threw the couches and I collected there phones from behind dad. We chuckled together.

"Lookin for these boys." They all looked at me with wonder in there eyes. I chuckled and handed each of them there phones.

"Next time pay attention to your surroundings guys." The first two to hug me were Uncle Squeaker and Uncle Craig. I smiled at them. Next was Brain and Tyler. Then Brock and David. I smiled at all of them.

"To make up for scarin y'all I made food. Uncle T I made pasta linguini. I know how much you like to make fun of Ty Lopez. 'Here in my garage eating my pasta linguini.'" I mimicked uncle Tyler. They chuckled.

"Here in Antarctica with my new beanie. It's snowing sideways." I mimicked uncle Evans voice. They did this in one of there videos and it was even animated. I walked to the kitchen and I handed out the food. And we ate. The rest of the night was spent of watching movies, talking, laughing, sharing stories, and me laying on my uncles and switching on who i laid my head on. Whenever I laid on Uncle David, Uncle Tyler, Uncle Mini, and Uncle moo they would rub my hair and I was comfortable with that. I eventually fell asleep on uncle David.

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