Chapter 4

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One month Later

Emma's POV

We have been here for one month and its boring here. All I do is stay inside Killian's house with Henry. Killian says we can rome around, but for some reason going off with out him didnt seem safe.

"Swan, are you alright?" Killian asks me.

"Yeah Im okay." I tell him.

"So what do you think?" He asks.

"About?" I question.

"Sending Henry to school." He says.

"Oh right. Yeah he should go to school." I say.

"Well Emma if it makes things weird I can get a friend to homeschool him." He tells me.

"No Henry should be with kids his own age." I say.

There was a knock at the door and Killian answered it. A blonde girl walked in a smiled at me.

"Hi Im Ashley Boyd. I work with the kindergartners." She says.

"Hi Im Emma Swan. Henry is upstairs." I tell her.

"I'll get him." Killian says and goes upstairs.

"Emma Killian told me you dont leave the house much. Well I was once in your position. I finally stop fearing my crazy family and then I met Thomas who was kinda going through the same thing. Trust getting out helps." She says to me.

"Well thanks for the tip." I say.

"Henry this is Ashley. She will be your teacher at school. She wanted to come by to meet you before you go to school tomorrow." Killian says.

"Hi Henry." Ashley says.

"Hi." He says nervously.

"Well its nice to meet you. Im going to go. I'll see you tomorrow." She says and walks out.

"What if Daddy finds me at school?" Henry asks.

I was going to say something but Killian stepped in.

"Listen Lad, your crazy father cant find you. If he does your protected everywhere. No matter where you go people will be there to protect you." Killian tells him.

"Okay." Henry says and goes upstairs.

"Sorry did you want to talk to him?" Killian asks.

"No, I would have messed it up." I tell him.

That moment Killian looked at me I just wanted to pull him close and kiss him. He is protecting my son and me. I cant do that. Also theres something he isnt telling me.

2weeks later.

Henry was at school and I decided ti clean up. I went to the attic because I heard a strange sound. I then saw tons of frames and so I was looking at the photos on Killian's mantle. There were several of him and a little girl around Henry's age.

"What are you doing up here?" Killian asks.

"Sorry I just heard something." I tell him.

"Dont come up here. You could get hurt." He says.

"What?" I question.

"The floor boards havent been done up here its not safe." He says taking my hand and pulling me out.

"Who's the little girl?" I ask once we get to the leaving room.

"Emma dont ask that. Just forget what you saw." He says.

"No I want to know." I say.

"No! Just leave it be! Im not talking about it!" He yells.

I moved away from him afraid he might hit me.

"Sorry I'll forget." I tell him.

"Swan Im sorry I yelled, but what you saw up there is nothing." He says and walked to the kitchen.

What is he hiding? Whats with him and the little girl? What isnt he telling me? I must find out what his secret is.

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