Chapter 16

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Emma's POV

Killian and I wanted to tell Avery that Killian was her dad, but how do you tell that to a 8year old little girl.

"Hi Emma." Avery says.

"Hi sweetheart." I say.

"Umm Henry was throwing up." She tells me.

"Okay thank you." I say.

I walked upstairs to Henry who was throwing up. I touched his head and he was very warm.

"Mommy I dont feel well." Henry says.

"You go lay down and I will be back." I tell him.

I walked back down and Killian walked in.

"Hey love." He says.

"Hey Henry is sick. Have you seen Avery she was just down here I wanna see if she is warm too." I say.

"She went to the dinning room to color." He says.

"Hey go check on Henry." I say.

"As you wish love." Killian says.

"Avery come here please." I say to her.

"Yeah?" She asks.

I felt her head and she too was warm. I lifted her up and took her to her room. I walked back down to see Killian.

"Well Avery is also sick." I say.

"Okay. I'll go get some stuff to help them feel better." He says.

"Yeah okay." I say.

Avery and Henry wernt the only ones that got sick, but Killian and I as well expect I was still not feeling well an they were fine. Now today Henry went over with Robin and Regina to play with Roland and Killian and I were ready to tell Avery the truth about Killian being her dad. I didnt want to be in the room when he told her because I would have felt awkward about it.

"So Avery I have to tell you something. I know I have told you Im your brother, but sweetie Im not. Look I once made a mistake with Liam's wife and it created you. I thought I would fail you so I gave you to my dad. Avery your my daughter and Im your dad." Killian says to her.

"I dont understand." She says.

"It will get easier, but I wanted you to know the truth and that I love you okay." He says.

"Okay. I love you too." She says and hugs him.

I was overjoyed that they happy, but I ran to the bathroom to throw up some more.

"Swan you okay?" Killian asks walking in.

"Not sure." I say.

"Here take this." He says handing me water.

"Thanks." I say.

"Need anything else?" He asks.

"No Im good." I say.

I looked into the cabinet and my tampon box wasnt opened and I bought it last month. Oh god.

"Whats the matter?" He asks.

"I need to go." I say and went to the store.

I went to the store and picked up a pregnancy test. When I got home and Killian looked at me.

"Swan whats happening?" Killian asks.

"Just a sec." I say.

I walked to the bathroom and after three minutes my alarm went off. I looked down and froze.

"Swan?" Killian knocked on the door.

I walked out and showed him the test. I thought he would be mad, but he wasnt instead he came over to me and kissed me. We were having a baby.

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