Chapter 19: Wedding plans and an afternoon session

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The next day Harry and I wake up with the sun breaking through the window and it is so beautiful here it feels like I'm in a fairytale. I snuggle up to Harry and I say,"They're kicking probably saying hi to their daddy!" Harry pulls the covers back to reveal my belly and he says,"Daddy is here you two hey you know what daddy and I love you two very much!" After he finishes I go take a short shower and I change soon I come out of the bathroom fully dressed and then I hear Harry call from downstairs,"Niall? Louis is here!" I call back,"Be there in a minute!" Soon I walk downstairs to find Louis with a folder and he smiles at me and then I sit down and we kiss,"Morning you ready to plan your wedding?" I nod and Louis opens the folder. We decide on to have a small wedding outside in our backyard and Harry agrees to it then we go to guests I decide to fly my family from Ireland and Harry is flying his family from London. We finish planning in two hours and then we decide to have it next week which I can't wait to be married to the man I love dearly.

Soon after Louis leaves Harry makes breakfast for the two of us soon he finishes cooking and then we eat a nice yummy breakfast. After we eat Harry and I cuddle and then he lifts my shirt up and he peppers kisses all over my belly and he says,"My special boys I can't wait to meet you James and Edward!" I laugh at my fiancé and he says,"I love you too boo!" He and I kiss and then he turns on the tv and we watch. A little while later I'm getting hungry and Harry smiles and says,"You guys want some lunch?" I lick my lips and I kiss him. I watch Harry go into the kitchen to make my lunch. He comes back ten minutes later with two plates of food and he hands one of plates to me with a peck on the lips and he puts his hand on my belly and he says,"Enjoy!" Then he sits next to me and we both eat. I finish eating and then Harry takes my plate and takes them into the kitchen and places them in the dishwasher.

Harry comes back and then he says,"Did you like it?" I look up into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes,"Yeah it was very good Hazza!" Then we kiss and then Harry says,"You want to watch a movie upstairs in our room and maybe you know fool around?" I lick my lips and I watch him strip in front of me his tattoos are yummy and I feel myself get hard and Harry starts to unbutton his skinny jeans until he scoops me off the couch and runs me upstairs to take us to our bedroom. He carefully lays me on the bed and says,"Mmmm.... I love you!" Then he grinds up against me and I need it badly! He takes my shorts off and gropes my full hard on which I let out a low moan and I think,"This is going to be fun!"............

Twenty minutes later.....
Harry finishes and we are both left in a sweaty and panting mess I snuggle with him and Harry kisses the top of my head,"You still got it!" I chuckle lightly and I playfully hit his pec and I say,"I've always had it Styles!" Then we both kiss and we take a bath with one another. Harry gets a set of clothes for the both of us and starts the water and puts the scented oil in the bath water and lights a few candles and turns the jets on to low. He comes back and he takes me into the bathroom and lowers me carefully into the warm water which feels good on my aching muscles and Harry gets in behind me placing his hands on my belly and starts rubbing it tenderly. I place my own hands on top of his and I say,"I love you very very much Harry Edward Styles!" Then Harry says,"And I you Niall James Horan!" We then quickly kiss.

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