Chapter 31: Justin and Shawn visit

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The next day I was awoken by Harry who kisses my neck and I moan then I open my eyes and in front of me is my sexy husband and his chocolate brown eyes look into my eyes and we both kiss,"G'morning you three!" I giggle as Edward and James move around and it makes me smile I put my hand on the material of my shirt and I sit up in bed so that my back is up against the pillow and my belly is under Harry and he lifts up my shirt and presses his lips against my bare skin and I giggle at my husbands lips and he says,"Good morning boys! Did you guys give daddy any trouble last night?" I playfully hit my husband and I say to my belly,"Of course they didn't give daddy any trouble last night they where sleeping peacefully!" Harry smiles and straddles my hips and kisses me then he says,"This is why I married you because you are so cute when you get like this!" I push my husband off of me and he falls on the floor and he starts to laugh hysterically when he says,"Stop Jesse!"

I carefully look over the side of the bed and I see Jesse standing on my husbands  licking Harry's face and I chuckle and I encourage Jesse," Come on get him Jess ohh good boy get daddy!" I get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom to take a shower and it feels nice to be alone for awhile so I undress and turn the hot water on and I stretch being careful of the twins and as I crack my back Edward kicks in protest and James kicks back and the boys start having a kicking fight and then out of anger I touch my belly and I say,"BOYS! NO FIGHTING PLEASE!" Harry walks into the bathroom as I wrap a towel around my waist and he puts his hands on my belly and he says holding back from doubling over,"What's going on?" I turn around and I say with a pout,"I went to crack my back yeah? And the boys decide to have a fight and it is stressing me out can you please help Hazza?" Harry bends down over my belly and he whispers something and kisses it and then the activity stops and I look up at my husband and I say,"How in the hell did you do that Haz?" Harry smiles and kisses me and says,"I know a few things! Now let's get a shower I have a surprise for you when we finish!"

After we finish I change into a pair of baggy shorts, an oversized cotton t shirt and a pair of socks and Harry puts on a white V-neck t-shirt,black skinny jeans and socks he spikes his hair up a bit because I think he looks sexy with his hair short and then I hear a knock on the door and Harry says,"I think it's for you!" I get up from the couch and I walk over to the door and I open it to see Justin and Shawn smiling and I yell,"OH MY GOD YOU GUYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I bring my two best friends in for a hug and Justin kisses my cheek Justin and Shawn walk inside. Shawn sits down next to me and he rests his head on my shoulder and he says,"So I found out the gender this morning!" I look at Shawn and I raise an eyebrow and I say,"What is it?" Shawn says,"WE ARE HAVING A LITTLE.... BOY! AND JUSTIN AND I ARE SO EXCITED AND I FELT HIM MOVE EARLIER JUSTIN ALMOST WRECKED THE CAR AND IT WAS FUNNY! "CONGRATULATIONS!" I say then Shawn places my hand on his belly and I felt a tiny movement and I smile and I coo at the movement and then I ask Shawn's permission to see if I could kiss his two month belly and he lets me. Justin stands in the doorway and quickly snapped a picture of me kissing Shawn's belly and I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and it is a notification from Justin so I click on it and it is a picture of me kissing Shawn's belly and the post writes, Visiting Niall and Harry and I think that the boys (our sons) are going to get along so well and we have a surprise for them too! #FriendshipPregnancyGoals! I smile and so far it has four likes from Sarah, Zayn, Louis and Harry.

But the cool thing is tonight is the start of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio and I am super excited for tonight because it is the Opening Ceremony and it is going to rock and I lift up my shirt because the twins are loving the music and Harry pulls out his phone and starts filming it and after the music is done he kisses my belly then after the very cool ceremony is done we all decide to go to bed and it is nice because Justin and Shawn are our new neighbors and Harry and I are very excited to call them neighbors but family too because we love them from the moon and back. And to me that will never change for as long as my sons and Shawn's and Justin's are living we stick to the end and We will make History together now and forever then until the end of time as we know it because I can't wait for the twins to be born because it will be nice for the boys to have cousins to play with! So Harry carries me up to bed and tucks me in and kisses me and the twins goodnight and then Harry whispers,"I love you!" Then I smile and then I reply,"I Know!"

Framed for being Irish ( a Niall Horan Gay Mpreg Detective Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz