Chapter 34: Photoshoot

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Today is the Photoshoot and I am really excited to have my first family portrait with Harry and we both can't contain our excitement and Justin tells us to bring a few outfits, a casual one, a sport one, a dressy one and a pair of pants because we are going to do the shirtless ones first and that is one I can't wait to do those with him. Our appointment is at 11:00 then we leave at 10:30 so we can get there early and we arrive about 10 minutes later we are at the studio and Harry helps me out of the car. We walk up to the entrance and go inside only to find Justin and Shawn waiting for us. They both hug us and then we are met by a nice woman about in her middle to late twenties with a welcoming smile and she says," Hello my name is Anna You folks here for the shoot?" I nod and I hold out my hand and I smile back and I say,"Well I'm Niall and this is my husband Harry and our friends Justin and Shawn!" Then Anna recognizes me and she says,"Wait a minute are you Officer Niall Horan?" I nod and I say,"Yes Ma'am I am Detective Niall Horan!" Anna beams and says,"Oh my god my son Dylan is 12 years old and he really wants to be a police officer when he grows up and I can't wait to tell him that I met his heroes you see I lost my husband on 9/11 and I told him the truth and he told me that his daddy was a hero!" I say,"Well give him my best we need good guys like him!" Then I say,"Do you know if he is home because would it be alright if we video chat him?" Anna pulls out her phone and contacts her son.

Soon a boy comes on the screen and he smiles at his mother,"Hi mom what's up?" She smiles and says,"So I am about to do a Photoshoot and I want you to meet someone!" She turns the phone towards me and then I see the young preteen's face light up at the sight of me and I say,"Hi Dylan! My name is Officer Niall Horan I am a Detective for the New York City Police Department and my husband is also a police officer that works for the police department too! And your mom tells me that you want to be a police officer when you grow up right?" Dylan smiles and replies,"Yes sir!" We talk for a bit and then we say goodbye. Then Anna leads us to the dressing rooms and I look excitedly at Harry and I say,"I feel like I'm in the 1930's I mean this dressing room looks amazing!" I say that because it is huge and it has a couch and we put the outfits in the closet but we change into the jeans first and then we have some time before our shoot. I stand in front of the mirror and I watch my sons move and I giggle as I place a hand on the spot where they are being active. Harry comes up behind me and he puts his head on my shoulder and he places his hands over mine and he says,"You ready?" I nod and we both kiss then Anna knocks on our door and we walk out to the studio and we get started.

We take the first picture and it is us laying on our side and Harry and are have our hands in the shape of a heart and it was captured with the twins moving and it was the most cutest thing ever because James stuck his hand out and Edward put his foot out and the cool thing is that the photo is in black and white and it looks absolutely adorable. Then we take the rest of the photos and they turn out great and I can't what to get them soon. After all of the pictures are done we decide to make a quick Starbucks run before we head home and I think to myself,"Today was amazing and it could never be taken away from us!"   Then Harry looks at me and he says,"So while I picked out your outfit last night I totally forgot to give you these last night they are for the boys!" He hands me a paper  bag and inside are black and white converse for babies and on the heel of the shoes has the name of both boys one for James and the other for Edward and the shoes are cute. Harry and I kiss and we sit down in the living room eating popcorn and cuddling the perfect thing for a perfect day and this is one of those days.

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