Chapter 27: Puppy Love

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So next week I started to feel lonely and in pain because of my broken ankle and I start pouting because of the pain in my ankle hurts really bad so Harry finds an idea. Harry sits next to me and places a hand on my belly and he strokes it slightly and he says,"Hey I know what might cheer you up you need a cuddle buddy it is something you wanted ever since we started dating!" My eyes light up and a grin spreads across my lips and I say excitedly,"A PUPPY?" Harry smiles and nods,"That's the Niall I know now come on let's get you a puppy!" I am helped into the car by my husband and he puts my crutches in the back seat and then we drive to the animal shelter. The nice part about the animal shelter is that it's about ten minutes away from our house then we arrive at the shelter. Harry finds a parking spot close to the entrance and helps me out of the car and grabs my wheelchair and we head inside. We are then met by a nice girl and she says,"Hello what can I help you two this morning?" Harry smiles at the girl and says,"Yes my husband and I are going to adopt a puppy!" The girl gets up and she says,"If you two would follow me please follow me!" We are led to the back of the shelter and we are looking at the puppies until I find an adorable golden retriever puppy that looks about five months old and I point at it and I say,"Harry what about that one Hazza! Isn't he adorable?" Harry looks down at the puppy and it barks happily at us and the girl says,"I think he likes you guys!" Harry and I say together,"We will take him!" The girl smiles and leads us back to fill out the paperwork then she gives the puppy a bath then she brings out the tiny puppy out to us and then we happily take the puppy home and when we get back home I instantly call Louis and Zayn and they come over.

I am laying on the couch and I am watching Jesse struggle to get up and I coo when he falls and I bend down and pick Jesse up and he snuggles up against me and James moves around and I chuckle and I put a hand on my belly and that is when Louis walks in the living room and he says,"Is this the little guy Hazza got you?" I nod and Louis passionately kisses me and then he pulls away and says,"How is your ankle?" I say,"Hurts like hell but yeah?" Louis says smiling,"Justin started moving and Zayn was amazed that our son made his presence known!" I smile at my friend,"That is amazing Lou! By the way Harry and I bought Justin something HARRY?" I call for my husband "YEAH WHAT IS IT?" He yells back "CAN YOU PLEASE GO UPSTAIRS AND GRAB THE GIFT FOR OUR NEPHEW?" I yell then Harry runs upstairs and then comes back with the gift and Zayn walks in and then Harry hands the bag to Louis and he opens it and pulls out the tiny kilt and presses it up against his tiny bump and says,"This is so cute guys thank you so much!" Then Harry goes into the kitchen to start on dinner but first he gives Jesse his soon Harry calls the puppy and scrambles into the kitchen and then Harry cooks our dinner and then we all eat in the living room.  After Zayn and Louis leave we decide to go to bed because I have a check up in the morning. Harry carries me upstairs and Jesse follows behind us and Harry lays me in the bed and helps me change after he does that he picks Jesse up and Jesse licks Harry's nose and then he lays the puppy down next to me and he snuggles up to me and Harry kisses me and then turns off the light and we are all fast asleep.

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