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I started chuckling a bit. "Very funny, wheres the boy?" The wife looked offended, while the husband looked terrified. I stopped laughing. "Oh..."

"Now! As for the rules." She handed me a list full of numbered rules. "Rule one, no guests. Rule two, never leave Brahms alone." She turned towards me to make sure I was paying attention.

I nodded for her to go on. "Rule number three, save your meals in the freezer. Rule Four, never cover Brahms' face..." As she continued to go on, my eyes were drawn to the doll. I felt as though I was being watched, but it was neither the wife nor the husband. I could never remember their names.

"Alright, now," She led me to the library or the living room. The place was so big, I didn't know what room it was. "It's too loud for my taste, but it gives him such joy." She turned on an old record player type-thing, and it started to play classical music extremely loud. "Also," she adds as she turns off the music, and heads towards the library, "Are you familiar with poetry Ms. (L/N)?"

"I know Green Eggs And Ham." I said jokingly. She didn't seem to take it very well. She handed me a book, and said that when I read him a story to speak loud and clear. "Yes ma'am." I said. She raised an eyebrow and looked at me expectantly. "Yes ma'am." I said a bit louder. She nodded pleasingly.

"Also remember to leave your food in the freezer." She said importantly.


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