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I picked up the phone, and dialed my friend Bright's number.

"Hey, wassup!" I said goofily.

"Nothing much, how is the Boy?"

"You won't believe this, but the boy is a doll."

"Hahaha... what?"

"I'm not joking, this shit is weird."

"How long are you staying again?"

"Two weeks."

"Ok, if it starts getting too weird, just call and we'll figure something else out. There are a lot of crazies in the world."

"Alright, I gotta go to bed. I'll call again tomorrow. Bye."

I hung up, and got dressed into my PJs. Crawling into bed, I still felt that odd feeling of being watched. I brushed it off as my imagination (like every smart person does *sarcasm*) and fell asleep about an hour later.


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