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The next morning I woke up to Mrs. Heelshire knocking on my door. I quickly got ready, and I had found a clock. 6:30 it read.

"You will wake and dress Brahms every morning at 7 o'clock." Mrs. Heelshire said leading me into the doll's room. "You'll find his clean clothes behind you."

"So do you want me t-"

"The best way to learn is by doing Ms. (L/N)." She said quite impatiently.

I walked over to the doll who was laying on his bed.

"It's time to wake up Brahms." I whispered, slightly hovering over the doll.

"Well I don't know about you Ms. (L/N) but that certainly wouldn't wake me up. Let's get to dressing him."

"Ok.." I said as I turned around to grab the clothes off the table. I set the clothes on the bed, and reached over for Brahms picking him up like an infant.

"He isn't a baby Ms. (L/N). You mustn't be afraid of hurting him." Mrs. Heelshire noted.

I was unsure of what to do so I continued what I was doing. Mrs. Heelshire  walked over and took the doll from me. "Excuse me." She said as she sat down on a chair, sitting Brahms in her lap and beginning to unbutton his pajamas.


After breakfast, Mrs. Heelshire lead me into the kitchen from the dining room. I was walking over t the trash can and about to throw the excess food away when Mrs. Heelshire interrupted me.

"We do not throw food away here Ms. (L/N). This is a country house. We are always battling against nature; storm, freezes, vermin. Especially vermin." She said as she spooned the left over food into a container.


After a while of getting used to things the Heelshires' were getting ready to head out. Mr. Heelshire walked up to me and handed me two sheets of paper. One I recognized as the rules sheet but the other sheet had times on it. I took the sheets from him and looked at the one I had seen before. At the top it read Schedule. I skimmed over it waiting for Mr. Heelshire to say something. 

"Here's just the times of when things should be done around here." He said. Just then Mrs. Heelshire walked in with Brahms. She smiled at me then looked at her husband.

"Just remember to follow those rules Ms. (L/N). Our son isn't like other children. Be good to hime and he'll be good to you. Be bad to him an-"

"Oh, she will be good to him. Won't you?" Mrs. Heelshire cutoff her husband.

"Of course. I'll treat him like my own." I replied looking at the doll forcing out my answer feeling like someone was behind me.

Mrs. Heelshire kissed Brahms on the cheek before handing him to me. I held him just like she had. She walked over to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry." She whispered in my ear.

"Come on my dear. We must not miss our plane." Mr. Heelshire said. And with that- they were gone.

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