Tsubaki x Sakuya: Annoying

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Today was quite a lonely day.

Sakuya and Tsubaki were alone.


In a room

Sakuya sighed. He didn't really wanna be in a room with Tsubaki, but everyone left saying they had something to do. "Hey Sakuya. Sakuya!" Tsubaki yelled. "Yes?" Sakuya asked. "Wanna do something?" He asked. "No." Sakuya responded. "Aw come on!" Tsubaki asked while laughing, signaling that he was indeed, bored. "Go outside if you're bored then!" Sakuya yelled. "B-But..." Tsubaki stuttered. "Stop acting like a little kid!" Sakuya yelled. 

Tsubaki finally went outside and left Sakuya alone. "Finally..." Sakuya said. He looked outside and it looked like Tsubaki was just kicking a ball around. 

Tsubaki sighed. "Why doesn't he ever love me.." T-T

After a few hours, Tsubaki came inside. Sakuya came over and hugged him.

"Sakuya don't touch me."



Love Me (A book of character x character one shots) REQUESTS OPENWhere stories live. Discover now