A Little Pinch of Lust and Pride (School assignment)

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                                                                     Narrated by Tsubaki

                                                                           Grade: 48/50

The night was full of stars but no moon

"We should have a ball for my son, Misono," the head of the Alicein household, Mikado, said.

The short male sighed, watching his father cheerfully dance around.

That short male was Misono Alicein, The second oldest son in the Alicein family. He has short purple hair with an ahoge sticking up from the top. His eyes were a beautiful shade of purple ], probably the same as his hair. Oh, Misono was the tsundere type, The definition I would say. 

"Dad I don't want to have a ball, thats something a girl would want!" Misono yelled. 

"Why that would be a good idea!" The Servamp of Lust, Snow Lily, said while flying in. 

The Servamp of lust was another thing. Lily is a tall male with blonde shoulder length hair, wearing a pink button up shirt, with a black jacket covering his arms and back. Around his neck was a pocket watch, given to him by Misono. The pocket watch was a special gift, and if it broke, Lily would break with it... Literally.

Misono sighed again, disappointed in what his own Servamp has said. He didn't want to have a ball, but he got one anyways.

"Ah yes, Shirota? Misono asked, his phone on his ear. "Oh hello, I was wondering if you'd like to come to this stupid ball my dad is holding for me"

Misono started sweating as he was nervous about what Mahiru was gonna say to him.  "Of course he was gonna pull that "Simple is best so if its not simple I won't come" bull crap, but he was surprised on what he answered. 

"Sure I'll come! Hey, I'll tell the others too. I'm sure they'd like to come also!" Mahiru said, as he hung up the phone. 

Misono plopped down on the bed and blushed. He forgot that if Mahiru was gonna say something, Tetsu Sendagaya was going to come.

Ah yes, Tetsu Sendagay, The Hot Springs heir. Hmm... let us see ere... Ah yeah!Tetsu is a tall male with short blonde hair and blue bobby pins holding the hair to the sides of his face. He's mostly seen with a coffin almost the size of him. His friends and his Servamp describes his as dumbfounded, but Misono thought he was pretty cute.

A few days later, the day came. Everyone was having lots of fun. Music was playing,  games were being played, people were dancing, and lots of other things happened too.    

Misono's heart skipped a beat when the Pride pair walked in. The way Tetsu came in made the purple haired shorty blush.

"Hey shorty," 

Misono was daydreaming and didn't hear what Tetsu had said.

"Uh.. Lust's eve... You do realize that called you shorty, right" The Servamp of Pride, Hugh, said.

Ah yes, Hugh, The Servamp of Pride. Now this one actually looks like a vampire. He is a VERY short male that has black hair. On top of that moppy hair was a top hat as tall as him. His clothing only consisted of Black, White, and Red.

Hugh always helped Misono on his crush on Tetsu, but Tetsu would never listen to him.

Misono sat down in distress, wanting to cry because he couldn't talk to Tetsu. At last, Lily came in wearing a helmet, and Misono thought it was stupid, but was impressed on how Lily cheered him up. 

Mikuni barge into their happy moment. "Tetsu has collapsed!" he said, dragging Misono into the eating area. 

"Did he touch Abel?" Misono said, angry at what his older brother did. 

"DON'T LUST AT ABEL!!!" Mikui said as Jeje, his Servamp, facepalmed. 

"COME ON DUMB RAT, CALL THE AMBULANCE!" Licht said, kicking his Servamp, Hyde.

"I AM, I AM!" Hyde cried, calling 911.

"Hello, yes? 911 come quick, this it the one and only gre--"

"SHUT IT!!!" Licht yelled, kicking Hyde again.

"But Angel-chan..."

Mahiru took the phone while throwing Kuro's chips away and making Kuro chase the bag like a dog. 

A day later, Misono and Lily went up to the hospital to see Tetsu. "Hey, Sendagaya..." Misono smiled. Tetsu said hi back. Misono ended up staying there for hours, and Tetsu appreciated it. "Thank you Misono, also Hugh told me that you needed to tell me something.."

"I love you, Sendagaya!" Misono yelled

"I-I love you too..." Tetsu smiled.

"Time to take your Pill" The nurse said.

"He's allowed out, so I'm taking him. 

After hours of paperwork, he could finally take Tetsu home. 

They went up on a hill and as the sun was setting, they both kissed.

                                                   The end 

Oh who am I? Well I'm the narrator! My name is Tsubaki, the Servamp of Melancholy! I follow my older brothers and sister and their eves around and write stories about them. This story TOTALLY happened, I swear! Well.. goodbye for now! 



Instagram: Serfap

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