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Luna sat in her mother's room, waiting for her to get home. What Benny said about his parents getting a divorce, made her wonder why. She wanted to help Benny. She believes that no family should go through the pain of feeling abandoned when one parent leaves them. She also believes that she could save the relationship between Benny's parents. And she was going too.

Luna's head snapped up at the sound of her front door opening and closing. She peaked her head downstairs and saw her mom there.

"Mamá, can I speak to you?" Luna asked, nervously.

"Sí, come and sit." Her mom said. They both sat at the table. "What's wrong, hija?"

"It's about Benny." Luna looked down at her lap, fiddling with her hands.

"Did you guys break up?" Her mom asked with sympathy in her eyes.

"No, no, no, we're fine. He told me he's going through some rough times at home. And I don't know how to help him." Luna sighed.

"What kind of problems, hija?" Her mom asked.

"His parents, they're getting a divorce. I never asked why and I know being there might help him but I want to do more." Luna explained. "I want to save the relationship of his parents."

"Luna, that's not something you can just fix. It takes time." Luna's mom said.

Luna rubbed her throbbing forehead. "How much time?"

"Years, Luna. Years." Her mom replied.

"Mamá, I hate seeing him upset." Luna sighed.

"You love him, don't you?" Her mom asked with a small smile.

Luna sighed. "Yeah, I do. After what happened with dad, he always seemed to be the one to brighten up my day. Even when I never wanted to come out of my room and never wanted to open the curtains to let some light in there. I kept myself in the darkness. I let it consume me. But then Benny came along.

He brought the light, that I thought was once lost, come out. He helped me forgive myself. I used to think what happened with dad was because of me. But it wasn't. And Benny helped me realize that. He has done the impossible for me mom. And I want to do the same for him. I can't let what happen to us, happen to him. I just can't, mamá."

"You're father dying wasn't you're fault. It was his own fault the moment he decided to leave us." Her mom said.

"I know that. But either one of his parents might be walking away at some point and might end up six feet underground like, papá." Luna explained, a tear slipping from her eyes. "I can't let that happen, mamá. I have to try. Nothing is impossible."

"You're heart is pure and courageous, my dear. Always the one to put the ones you love before yourself." Her mom smiled. "I don't know what I did to deserve a daughter like you."

"Well, someone once told me that I should always fight for what I believe in. That person being my mother." Luna grinned.

Her mom let out a small sob, bringing Luna into her arms. "Do what you need, novio. Help Benny. Help his parents."

"I love you, mamá."

"I love you too, mi hermosa hija."

Her mom smile. She wiped her tears before heading upstairs. Luna smiled, already knowing a way to save Benny's parents.

Luna climbed through Benny's window later that and didn't see him anywhere. Then she heard the water running in his bathroom. She sighed and sat down on his bed, waiting for him to get out.

Soon enough he walked out shirtless with some sweats on. Steam was radiating off of his body.

He jumped, seeing Luna. "When did you get here?"

"Like five minutes ago." Luna giggled at his slightly scared face.

Benny sighed and sat next to Luna, resting his head on her lap and wrapping his arms around her waist. "Are you staying over?"

"Yeah." Luna nodded.

"Good." Benny said leaning up, pressing his lips to Luna's. Luna ran her hands through Benny's hair, making him let out a small groan. Luna smiled into the kiss, along with Benny.

"I missed these." Benny muttered against her lips.

"Me too." Luna smiled. "I mean your lips, not mine. I miss your lips on mine."

He smiled at Luna's babbling. "You're adorable."

Luna blushed and got under Benny's covers. He followed after her. He wrapped both arms around her waist and buried his head in Luna's neck. Luna shiver, feeling his for breath on her neck.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you, too." Benny said, pressing a kiss to her neck before the two fell asleep.


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