New City, New Friends

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His New Favorite Color


Just your average story about falling in love with a skeleton.
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Chapter 1: New City, New Friends

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You've lived in the same small town your whole life- you were used to the same thing day in, day out. Finally, you had managed save up enough money to move to the city. You weren't sure why, but you always felt drawn there. It felt like some of the best times in your life has take place in the city. But a little less than six months ago, when the barrier had fallen, your plans had nearly changed. At first, you, like most, thought it was a joke. Monsters, underground, all this time? There was no way. It took the first few months for your family to realize it wasn't some big prank, some people on the news on costumes. Even after all these months, you haven't actually SEEN a monster, not in person, at least. But you weren't about to let your worried family and friends stop you from getting on with your life.

You were lucky enough to land a Skype interview with your now employer before moving out, not wanting to have an unsteady income. If you were doing this, you were doing it right. You had also already signed all of the papers and agreements for your new apartment. It definitely wasn't big- just one bedroom and an "office" that probably wouldn't fit more your desk. Even with this in mind, the kitchen had won you over. It was pretty spacious, especially for this cost. You couldn't wait to break in all of your new supplies.

You pushed the button labeled "4" and watched the elevator doors close in front of you, readjusting the boxes in your arms. Since when did you own so many things? Maybe you had bought too many dishes for only one person. At this rate, you'd have to take several trips up to your new apartment. You let your thoughts wonder as the door opened, stepping out of the doors. Well, beginning to, at least. You stopped mid-step, your eyes widening. Of course, you knew you would see monsters in the city. After all, a lot of monsters stayed in close range with Mount Ebott. But you didn't think that they would... Look like this. In front of you stood a large skeleton- he must have been six, maybe even seven feet tall. Before you could process your situation, your arms lost their grip. Everything toppled out of your arms, causing several loud clangs and a noise you could only describe as breaking. The monster had what looked like a worried expression on his face- er, skull. How could solid bone even have an expression?

"I AM SORRY HUMAN, THE GREAT PAPYRUS DID NOT MEAN TO STARTLE YOU!" You were interrupted from your thoughts by his words, but you only stood there, gaping.
The monster- Papyrus' expression deepened. "HUMAN, HAVE I BROKEN YOU?"

You finally managed to move, shaking your head. "I-I'm sorry. I just didn't expect to see- um," you quickly tried to rethink your sentence, face growing red.

"relax kid, we don't bite." The new voice caused you to only grow in unease. Whipping your head around to face the shorter skeleton, you watched as he stopped the doors from closing.

"OF COURSE WE BITE, SANS, HOW ELSE WOULD WE EAT?" Papyrus exclaimed at who you now assumed was Sans. The smaller skeleton only shrugged. "HUMAN!" His loud voice made you cringe, but you looked up, meeting the skeleton's gaze. "WHY DO YOU REQUIRE SO MANY BOXES? THEY AREN'T EVEN FILLED WITH SPAGHETTI!"

"I'm, um, moving into an apartment.." Your words drifted off. Since when did you say 'um' so much? What was so bad about a couple of skeletons?

"4a?" You nodded to the smaller monster, calming yourself. How had you not noticed how deep his voice was? It couldn't be more different from his brother's. Was it racist to assume that all skeletons were related? You were broken from your thoughts again as you watched Papyrus scramble to grab your boxes. He stood up, seeming much more comfortable with the heavy weight then you had been.

You finally worked up the courage to speak like a normal human being. Was THAT racist? "What are you doing with those?" Okay, maybe courage wasn't the best way to describe the way you sounded. 'Squeaky' sounded much more accurate.

"IT ONLY SEEMS RIGHT, SINCE THE GREAT PAPYRUS WAS THE CAUSE OF SUCH A MESS!" You shook your head, trying to grab the boxes from the monster in front of you. He simply raised a massive, gloved hand to you, switching the boxes all into one arm. How could someone with no muscles be that strong? "HUMAN, I MUST INSIST. BESIDES, YOU SEEMED TO BE STRUGGLING WITH ALL OF THESE NON-SPAGHETTI BOXES."

You tried to resist, but Sans spoke up again. "you may as well say yes now, he's not gonna to stop."

Those words finally made you give in, accepting your fate. You fumbled to get the key out of your pocket, opening the door to the left. There were only three apartments on each floor, so you assumed that the brothers owned the other two. Papyrus stepped in without hesitation, and you were close behind. It was the first time you had ever seen your new apartment in real life, and it was even better than you imagined. When looking for places to live in your price range, you couldn't find much. Sure, you could have lived with a roommate, but you had no friends in the city. As you looked at the off-white walls of your empty living room, your eyes were drawn to the taller skeleton. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard to make new friends.

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