Dinner with a Sinner

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Chapter Text

Dinner with the brothers went well. Or at least, the conversation did. For someone who apparently loves to cook, Papyrus wasn't very good at it. Sans had told you that Papyrus had been getting a lot better since they moved to the surface, and he seemed to be genuine. He also seemed extremely grateful. You had stomached the spaghetti, managing to clean your plate entirely. You never knew that you could mess up spaghetti, but apparently you could. You also didn't know that the sauce was supposed to sparkle. The skeletons had enjoyed your cookies, and only a few remained when you left their apartment. You had no idea how Sans was eating cookies and drinking ketchup at the same time, but you knew that it had to be hard to stomach. Oh, yeah. He doesn't have one of those...

By the time you got home, it was late. Papyrus had tried to insist on a sleepover, but you told him that you had work tomorrow. He was disappointed, and even his older brother seemed a little bummed. There was no way you were going to miss your first day, or even be anything but early. So when you had gotten home, you made sure that there would be nothing in your way the next morning. You did the dishes, put away the cookies that you hasn't taken to the brothers, and set your alarm extra early. You had gone over the mornings schedule so many times that you knew the exact minute you'd arrive. A bit excessive? Yeah, probably, but you wanted to make a good impression!

Thanks to your over the top planning, you left right on time that morning. Traffic wasn't as bad as you expected, either, so you made it to work ten minutes early. Your boss was ecstatic to see you, and he told you that for the first week or so, you would be doing more watching than teaching. You were fine with that. It made sense that you wouldn't jump right into teaching a class. Besides, you enjoyed seeing what kind of styles everyone was learning.

Everything was going just as planned. Well, until you went on break for lunch. You slipped your phone out of your pocket to see if there were any new notifications, and as soon as clicked the home screen, your phone buzzed. Perfect timing, you guessed. However, you didn't know the number that had texted you.


For a second you thought about asking who they were, but you decided to send a simple "hey?" back.

"have you heard about updog?"

You giggled to yourself. Really? Updog? You tried to think of who this could be, and you only could think of one suspect: Sans. Or maybe you just liked the idea of Sans asking someone for your number. You decided to humor them. "What is updog ?" You sent the text, glad you could at least make one person's day.

"nothing much, what's up with you?"

You rolled your eyes as your phone lit up again.

"i can't believe you fell for that, _____"

Sans. It was Sans. It had to be, right? You figured that if you used his name in the next text, you'd get an answer. Your fingers were fast, tapping against your screen in quick little motions. "Thanks, Sans, but at least it wasn't ahenfor" you sent the message, grinning at your screen.

"what is ahenfor?"

Not sure if he genuinely didn't know, or if he just was humoring you, you quickly sent a reply. At least you knew it was Sans now. "It's for laying eggs, duh"

His replies seemed to come faster as you sent puns back and forth. Most of them you had heard before, but you'd be lying if you said that you weren't planning on using some of them later. Eventually you had to tell him that you had work to do, and you were actually surprised when you saw his next message.

"alright, alright. what are you doing after? we could grab dinner."

Your heart did a flip in your chest, and you had to fight the goofy smile from your face. Was he asking you on a date? Play it cool, you told yourself. "Just us?" You knew the question was kind of dumb, but you didn't want to get your hopes up too much.

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