Gimme Some Sugar

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Chapter Text

You woke up the next morning, a bit later than usual. You slowly sat up, groaning as you stretched. When you opened your eyes to get a good look, your surroundings shocked you. Nothing had changed from last night- but you couldn't remember where you were. You flung the blanket off of yourself, standing and spinning in a quick circle before you remembered. That's right, you moved. You're in the city now. This is your apartment. You have a new friend. You smiled at that last thought, a picture of Papyrus coming into your head. Your thoughts then switched to the other brother- you weren't sure you could really call him a friend, but he had definitely seemed to grow more comfortable with you last night.

You decided to go to your kitchen to make some breakfast- before you remembered you had to go to the store today. You sighed, resigning to take a quick shower instead. You found your bathroom supplies, unpacking just enough for your shower. The hot water felt amazing, even if your surroundings were strange. You decided that you were going to buy a cute shower curtain to lighten up the place, make it more....yours. You braced yourself to step out of the shower, knowing that the cold would hit you like a bus. As soon as you had a towel rapped around your body, you ran across the hall and into your bedroom. You smiled at the light blue walls, they were your favorite color. Picking through a box full of clothes, you decided on one of your many tank tops and a pair of jeans. As you went to your mirror to make sure everything was in order, you noticed how worn out you looked. Yesterday had taken a lot out on you, and you weren't even close to being moved in. You decided that you'd try to get most of the unpacking done today as you slipped on your shoes.

You grabbed your phone to check google maps, remembering that you saw a grocery store not far from here. But you weren't about to get lost. As you clicked the home button on your phone, you saw there was a message from Papyrus, and opened it quickly. It was a picture of him, with Sans in the background. Papyrus was doing a thumbs up, a plate of spaghetti next to him. Sans, on the other hand, had a bottle tipped to his teeth. You could have sworn that it was a ketchup bottle, but that was ridiculous. You assumed that this was last nights dinner, and you went to send him a reply.

'You really like spaghetti, huh?' You sent the text, and went on your way.

As soon you entered the store, you noticed that there were many items, and even whole sections, that were more for monsters than humans. They had things like "hot cats" and "tem flakes." You decided that you'd be adventurous another day.

Your phone buzzed in your pocket, a message from 'The Great Papyrus :)" showing on your screen. "OF COURSE! SPAGHETTI IS THE GREATEST MEAL THERE IS! IT IS ALMOST AS GREAT AS ME!" You weren't at all surprised to see that he texted in all caps- in fact, you nearly expected it. You texted with him for a small while while you shopped. You bought what you thought were the essentials; milk, eggs, bread, flour, and some cereals. Of course, once you saw the frozens aisle, you had to buy some a pizza. And some ice cream. And some chocolate chips- you never know when you'll want pancakes! Okay, so maybe they weren't all essentials.

When you checked out, and weren't surprised at all when the cashier was a monster. You thanked her and left, receiving one last text from Papyrus, saying that he was, ' going to train with undyne.' You didn't exactly know what that meant, but you shrugged it off.

When you returned home, you quickly put away all of your groceries. Your stomach growled, and you whined with it. "I just put everything up. " you sighed and settled for a simple sandwich. "I'm making cookies later." You told yourself, like some how this would make your simple lunch better. After finishing the meal, if it really even counted as a meal, you started unpacking the rest of the boxes. You decided to do the bathroom first, and then your room. By he time you got into the kitchen, it was already four. You thought that this was a good place to stop for the day, especially since you were craving those cookies that you had promised yourself.

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