Hot Cats (and Skeletons)

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The rest of the week went without a hitch. You had started practicing a new dance that you'd teach a class next week, you finished moving in, and you bought a few things to spruce up your apartment. And of course, you texted the skelebros regularly. You didn't see them quite as often now that you were working, but you had managed to have supper with them again. You had shown Papyrus the glories of having garlic bread that night. By now, you knew that the brothers actually shared the apartment. You had thought that papyrus must have owned the one on the right side of the hall, but it was clear that he didn't when Sans went to read him a bedtime story. It was also pretty clear it didn't belong to Papyrus when you caught a monster with a bright purple tail slinking into the apartment one morning. You made a mental note to get to know your other neighbors, too.

But now it was the Fourth of July. Saying you were excited would be an understatement. It had been so long since you had seen the city's firework show. You must have been 5 or 6, but you still remembered it in vivid detail. Your best memories were always in the city. You spent most of the day dancing around your new home to music that was probably too loud. No one came to tell you to turn it down, so you kept playing it while you baked cookies. They wouldn't be quite as good when they weren't fresh, but you still had to get ready afterwards, and then the brothers were coming over for supper, before you all headed off.

Once the cookies were all done, you still had a good 2 hours left until dinner. You decided to hop into the shower, bringing your speakers into the bathroom with you. Fall Out Boy blasted through your home, along with your voice. When you stepped out of your shower, you rushed quickly to your room to get changed. You put on one of your million band shirts, a stereotypical Nirvana tee, and a pair of leggings. Man, was your style simple or what.

Just when you were about to sit down and do your makeup, your phone died, cutting off your music. Why hadn't you thought to charge it? You sighed and got up to go plug it into the charger. When you walked into the living room to do so, you saw Sans leaning against your door. You jumped, letting out a small squeak.

"heh, sorry kid. didn't mean to make you jump out of your skin."

You quickly nodded, fumbling for your charger. "It's all good. Just didn't expect to- wait, how are you even in here?"

His grin seemed a bit more sheepish than usual, you noticed when you glared at him. "unlocked. came to eat all the cookies."

Rolling your eyes at him, you plugged in your phone. "You know, if you keep talking like that I'm going to start believing you." You walked into your kitchen, picking up a cookie for yourself.

"nah, i was gonna ask why your music was so loud. i'm starting to learn the words to some of those songs." Sans grabbed a cookie for himself, eating it quickly. "why did you make these so early, anyways?"

"You know I have a great taste in music. And I needed time to get ready." You pulled yourself up to sit on the kitchen counter, swinging your legs. "It takes time to look this good." you said jokingly.

Sans shrugged, already grabbing another cookie. "you always look good."

Your face turned a bright shade of pink, and you quickly hopped off of the counter to go to your room. "Oh, whatever. You're so full of it." He followed you, hovering in your doorway. Was it okay for him to come in? You looked up to him and grinned, still trying to stop your cheeks from flaring up. "Sans, really? You can walk into my apartment without warning, but now you hesitate?"

The skeleton took that as an invitation to come in, plopping himself down on your bed. "just didn't know if you'd want me in here, s'all."

You shrugged at him, sitting in front of your mirror and spilling out the contents of your makeup bag, starting on your foundation. "You're one of my best friends, why would I not be okay with it?" You raised an eyebrow, looking at him in your mirror.

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