Anatomy Is Weird

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Chapter Text

"hey, kid?"

You turned away from Papyrus, who was running a few of the boxes into the kitchen. You couldn't wait until the moving van got here with all of your furniture. You faced the smaller skeleton, and wondered who was the older brother, if they were even brothers. Were they related at all?
"sorry about Paps spookin' you earlier, guess we weren't expecting someone when the doors opened. And definitely not a..." His words drifted off, gesturing to you. A human. He meant a human. In his defense, you weren't expecting to face monsters anytime soon, either. But why would he not expect a human?

"No, no, you didn't scare me that bad!" You tired to laugh it off, smiling at Sans. "I wasn't expecting anyone either."

He nodded, still seeming to take you in. "so, what is someone like you doing here?" His voice was even lower, more hushed.

You didn't expect the words to hurt as much as they did. You tried to keep your calm. "What do you mean, 'someone like me'?"

The skeleton raised his- wait, how can a skeleton raise his eyebrows? He doesn't even have any! "this is practically a monster complex. I mean, at least until you. humans don't particularly like to live around... our kind."

This made sense, you guessed. You've heard that many people don't like the monsters, but you didn't think that there reasons were very valid. And when they did have a fair point, there wasn't much proof to back it up. How can you prove that an entire race of people are "homicidal freaks?"

"Well, um," you stuttered again, seeing papyrus come back in out of the corner of your eye. "Guess that explains why the landlord was so surprised to here I was interested, then." You both nodded, your phone buzzing loudly in your pocket. You tried to ignore it, but Sans was staring, the white pinpricks of his eyes focused on the source of the noise. After a few moments you slipped the phone out of your pocket. It was a text from the moving agency- they were dropping off your furniture. DROPPING IT OFF. Your face moved from confusion to something that resembled anger, and then to panic. How the hell were you supposed to carry a couch up the stairs? Or your bed? Or the tv? Your panic started to transform into anger again. What was the problem? What kind of scheduling error could have happened? This was ridiculous!

"WHAT IS TROUBLING YOU, HUMAN?" The taller skeleton asked, concern washing over his face again. You weren't sure why, but you hated him looking like that.

You let out a deep sigh, staring at your phone. "Apparently," you started, the annoyance clear in your voice, "The people who were supposed to be helping me move in all of the furniture today don't have the time. They're dropping all of it off now, and there's no way I can carry all of that by myself. I-"


You looked at Papyrus, shocked. You hadn't even known him for five minutes, and yet he was offering to help you with something that would surely take several hours.
"N-no, really, it's okay. I'm sure I can-"

" I REALLY MUST INSIST." The skeleton interrupted you again, now looking very stern. "BESIDES," he paused to strike a pose. He flexed biceps that didn't exist, grinning at you. "YOUR FURNITURE IS NO MATCH FOR THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" And with that, he took off out the door.

It took you a minute to register what was going on, but you soon sped off after him. You knew there was no way to catch him if you took the stairs, so you prayed that the elevator was fast enough. You were almost as fast to get down stairs, but it only took you calling out his name to stop the long-legged skeleton in his tracks. You ran to him, resting a hand on his arm. You would have went for his shoulder, but he must of had a good foot and a half in height on you.

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