Baby, You're a Firework

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You watched as the first rocket went up into the sky. You bit your lip, waiting to see the brothers reactions. There was a boney hand on your arm suddenly, as the firework sizzle through the air. Then, the firework popped, sending a loud noise and white sparks through the sky. Sans' grip harshened, and you heard Papyrus make a noise somewhere between a scream and a squeak. The larger of the skeletons dove behind you, curling into a ball. But your eyes were trained on Sans.

He suddenly didn't remind you of a scientist anymore, or even of a little kid. He reminded you of the Halloween decorations of black cats, with their backs arched and their eyes startled. He looked more than frazzled; he was petrified. The skeleton's grip on your arm almost stung, but it was the only thing keeping him grounded. His eyes were even bigger than usual as he stared up at the sky. His eyes moved to look at you, and he looked ready to bolt, to run, to get away.

You realized that you needed to say something, anything to relax the brothers. To calm Sans. There was another crackle in the sky and you heard Papyrus yip. "Hey, no, no, guys it's okay. It's fine. Look, they make pretty colors. They're far away from us. You can't get hurt." You felt that same pulling in your chest from earlier, and broke your gaze from Sans, to look at his younger brother as more words spilled from your mouth, "This is perfectly safe. I wouldn't bring you here if they weren't. You guys trust me, don't you?"

At that, Papyrus looked up to you, then the sky as yet another rocket went off. "Y-YES... BUT W-WHY MUST THEY BE SO LOUD?" He looked back to you. He had that same look he did when the movers had driven away. You hated it.

"Just the way they are Paps. Come on, you'll be alright." You smiled weakly at the skeleton, but it was enough to scramble from behind you, and back to his blanket.

You turned your eyes back to Sans. He still looked unnerved, but he let go of your arm. You went to let out a sigh of relief, but before you could, his arm slipped around your back, and before you knew it your side was pressed against his. He was colder than usual.

You moved an arm and reached for him, and he flinched away. At first you stopped, but after a second he looked calm. You pressed your hand to his skull, pulling his jaw up to face you. There was a moment where you forgot what was going on, and you stroked your thumb over his cheekbone. "Hey..." You spoke softly. Always a poet. "You're okay. Papyrus is okay."

"you're okay, too?" His voice was so much softer than you had ever heard it, but he sounded breathless all the same.

Your face flushed. The way he said it, like you were one of his priorities. Like he cared for you. "Yeah, I'm okay." You turned back to the fireworks, but you soon felt something against your cheek. It was almost cold, and you could have sworn they were...

Teeth. Sans was pressing his teeth to your cheek, in a pseudo kiss. As soon as you had noticed, he was pulling away. The skeleton still sat next to you, pressed to your side with his arm around your waist, but that was nothing now. What he had just done was definitely..... It was something. God, it almost felt as good as dancing.

Sans' smile seemed to come back to life, and he hugged your side, burying his face into your shoulder. You could hear him mumble something, but his words were too muffled to make out.

And so you stayed like that, for a long time. Papyrus made the occasional "ooh" and "ahh," commenting on the fireworks he particularly liked. You were so glad when you saw that he had stopped flinching. Sans had eventually pulled away from you, but still sat close. He had finally calmed down, and once he saw the colors in the sky, he was in awe. You rested your head on his shoulder, which was actually pretty comfortable, considering he was made out of bones. The smaller skeleton had remembered the cookies, and before you had noticed that he had them, they were almost all gone.

"You act like no one feeds you." Rolling your eyes at the skeleton, you grabbed the baggie from him and handed it to Papyrus.

"i just need to put some meat on my bones." he laughed at his own joke, and his brother groaned.


You shook your head and went back to watching the fireworks.

When the finale started, you joined Papyrus in his "ohh"s. It was spectacular- There were so many colors, so many shapes. Some were red, white, and blue, of course. But there were also green and purple and yellow. But, like all things, the show came to an end.

The three of you stood, gathering the blankets. As you walked back to your car, Papyrus recollected the displays he particularly liked.

"Oh!" You looked at Papyrus excitedly, remembering the musical that you had seen. "I saw him on TV, I think. He danced very well."

Sans scoffed. "i change my mind, paps. she can't come over."

You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean I can't come over? Since when was I coming over?"

Papyrus cleared his throat, his cheeks tinted orange. You could have sworn that Sans was blushing too, but it was difficult to see in the dark. "I WAS GOING TO REQUEST THAT YOU JOIN US FOR A MOVIE NIGHT."

"A movie night?"


You let out a quiet laugh. Was it odd that Sans knew your work schedule already? You'd never even talked about what you did, but the the two of you texted often during work. "I'd love to come over, Pap."

His smile grew, and he flung his long, boney arms around you, wrapping you in a tight hug. "TERRIFIC! I HAVE ALL OF METTATON'S FILMS, I'M CERTAIN THAT YOU WILL LOVE THEM AS MUCH AS I DO!"

Sans grunted again, and Papyrus shot him a look. There was definitely something going on here, but you felt that it wasn't really your place to ask. You all loaded up into your car, and you drove back to the apartment building you now called home.


"THIS ONE, THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE." Papyrus slid in the first dvd. He had already claimed 5 other movies as his 'favorite,' too.

You sat back on the old green couch, sinking into the cushions. Sans plopped down next to you, and you moved towards the arm rest to make room for Papyrus on the couch. The shorter skeleton made a face- you couldn't really call it a frown, but it must have been his version of one. Papyrus sat on the floor in front of you, leaning forward, the remote clutched in his gloved hand.

Oh. Sans hadn't been making room for his brother, he was just... What was he doing? There was plenty of room on the couch, so why had he been so close? Then again, the two of you had just been, well, did it count as cuddling?

You flushed and looked towards him, and were met with a stern gaze. You instantly turned an even brighter shade of red. He couldn't be flirting with you. Maybe monsters were just touchy-feely with friends.

"ive already told you, i don't bite."

"Yeah, I know, I know." You smiled at him and scooted over until your hip bumped his. "So what's your problem with Mettaton?" Before you could get your answer, Papyrus shushed you, and soon turned up the volume.

The movies weren't that great, but they weren't bad either. All of the songs were choreographed beautifully, even if everything else was pretty tacky. It must have been 3 in the morning before you fell asleep.


Sorry for the shorter chapter, you guys. But, hey, it was longer than I thought it would be!

By the way, you all should check out Raybird99
She has this amazing fic, Undertwists. It's so much better than mine, honestly. It actually has a plot and stuff. Plus, if it wasn't for her, this story wouldn't be where it is, or where it's going. She's always helping when I'm stuck, and I could never thank her enough.

And, as always, thank you guys so much. Seeing how many of you have read and liked and commented, it, yknow, fills me with determination.

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