Chapter 2-Memories

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Leo let me walk inside and I looked around. Leo is the only one that knows I'm bionic. He is the only one that knows everything about me that no one else knows about. "Guys Y/N is here!" I heard Leo shout. I saw Adam, Bree, and Chase come down the stairs. Chase and I locked eyes. He seemed to recognize me but I already knew who he was. Then I saw Donald Davenport come over and I also saw Tasha. "Y/N look how much u have grown since the last time I saw u. How r u sweetly?" Tasha said while giving me a hug. "I'm fine thank u. Mr. Davenport! It is a pleasure to meet u." I shook his hand and I looked at the two brothers and the sister. "Do u guys remember me at all?" "Um... R we supposed to?" Chase said. I grew sad when I heard him say that. Then I heard a deep raspy voice that I haven't heard in a long time. "Y/N?" "If u r who I think u r then u know that I will be walking out this door right?" "Yeah I know that. Turn around and let me see yah." I turned around and saw Douglas. "How do u know each other?" Donald asked. "He is my 'father'. Technically he is not my father though. I will tell u guys the story over dinner." Then Tasha called Leo to set the table while I talked to Chase. It was really nice to see him. He has grown to be a very handsome young man like I knew he would. If only he knew that Mr. Davenport took his previous memories away. Bree and Adam have lost their memories too. All thanks to the one and only Mr. Davenport. Douglas and I have been trying to find them. Then I heard Tasha call dinner and we sat down to eat. I took a bite of the fish. "Tasha this is really good." I said with a mouth full. "U said u would tell us the story. Tell us now!" Leo said.
Quick A/N the story will be in Italics. When the story is over it will go back to normal text!
I was only a baby when my parents died. My aunt couldn't take care of me so she sent me to an orphanage. I was rally smart for a two year old and strong too. I walked all the way from California to Florida. It took a while but by the time I was there I was two and a half. I left at one. I was crossing the street at one point and this truck did not see me. The truck hit me and kept driving. I fell hard. I tried to stand up but a car came and hit me too. The car hit me with such force that I heard something in my back snap! Then I felt sharp pains. I couldn't move. Everything was numb. Another car was driving by but the car stopped right in front of me. Douglas had flat hair at the time but he got me to a hospital. The doctor said that I lived through my spinal cord snapping but I wouldn't be able to move. Douglas took me to his house in a wheel chair and he told me all about Davenport industries and the projects they were doing. Everyone had to choose a project and Douglas chose the environmental safety project to try and stop global warming and stuff like that. He took some bionic chips that were meant for robots, took them apart, required them, and put them back together again. He made one for me. He said it will either save me or kill me. He put the chip in me and it worked. I had super strength, super speed, super smarts, and the power of all the elements. Then Douglas went to an adoption center and adopted Adam, Bree, and Chase. They too got bionics. When they got their bionics something awesome happened. There was a bond! There was a bond between all of our chips. When Mr. Davenport took u away I watched in horror and sadness. Chase promised to find me but it was to late. Adam, Bree, and Chase lost all of their memories of Douglas so they lost their memories of me. I ran away from Douglas hoping to find them. And now I have thanks to my best friend Leo. And that ends my story!
Everyone looked at me in shock. Chase looked over to Mr. Davenport. "Is that true? Did u really erase all of our memories of Douglas?"
Cliffhanger! Hey peeps sorry that this was a very long chapter. I'm a terrible person for leaving u with a cliffhanger and giving u a long chapter. Hope u peeps r enjoying the story ok? Bye!

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