Do I still have a job?

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Photo of Stacy on side>>

*Same night*

*30 minutes later*

Stacy and Tiffany walk toward Stacy's car.

Stacy: you know Rico wanted to take you home(smirk)

Tiffany: he did?

Stacy: yea but I convinced him that I should take you.

Tiffany: why?

Stacy: because your gushing blood that makes you act like an old bitch.

Tiffany: Eww Stace!!

They get in the car.

Stacy: why don't you just take a week off like I do when I get my period, Mr.Pinasco won't ask any questions (laugh)

Tiffany: some of us need money to move out of our parents houses Stace.

Stacy: well shit! It's better than you ready to chop someone's head off every 10 seconds!

Tiffany: I just have a low tolerance for bullshit.

Tiffany says pulling a blunt out her wallet.

Stacy: so what were you & Chris Brown talking about?

Stacy asks in a flirty way touching herself. Tiffany let's out a big puff of smoke before answering. She passes Stacy the blunt. Tiffany sits there not saying a word.

Stacy: well!!

Stacy shouted with both hands on the wheel.

Tiffany: they're using him.

Stacy: who? (Confused)

Tiffany: the people he came with.....they're using him. He's better off with people like him..people with money, celebrities might have issues but at least they're not groupies.

Stacy: wait what does this have to do with the question I just asked.......Tiffany!! I know you didn't tell him his friends are groupies!

Tiffany cringes in her seat she knew she shouldn't of said it but you can't help word vomit.

Tiffany: it just came out-

Stacy: and you're not fired!? Mr.Pinasco doesn't know!? Chris Brown didn't cuss you out for calling his friends groupies!? Now if I did it I would be fired right now!............does that mean he likes you!

They snap their heads to each other.

Tiffany: no! (Appalled) his girlfriend was right there 😑.

Stacy: so!! Fuck that bitch he cheats on her all the time anyway & she knows it. The man up and left her for Rihanna the first chance he got in front of everyone.

Silence grows in the car. Tiffany already knew everything Stacy was telling her probably more. Tiffany didn't even want to talk about it anymore she was just glad she still had her job.

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