Hit by their Abilities: Junkrat

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(Requested by: E-cat413)

Why on earth you agreed to follow Junkrat and Roadhog was beyond you. Maybe you had spent too long in the wasteland but whatever, Overwatch seemed okay, not the exactly what you were used to. Robbing places and small crimes here and there weren't exactly like escort missions or defending a position. They seemed to like blowing/shooting stuff up (and not getting arrested for it) so who are you to judge. You just wished that some of these guys didn't have a stick up their-

"(Y/N)! Get to the point!" You heard Soldier 76 yell as you were setting explosive traps everywhere.

Out the corner of your eye you saw Jamison, Junkrat, giggling and having the time of his life. Though this was a practice run you knew everyone had to take this seriously, but seeing him smile and laugh made you forget about the stick in the muds.

With a new resolve to have more fun in these 'training sessions' you ran to the point and challenged Tracer who was blinking around being a pain. You set charges and attempted to at least chase the girl away. For some reason; karma, god or whoever it was looking down on your, decided to screw you over. Somehow, half the team made it past the guys upfront which left you outnumbered and again, screwed.

"Could use some help here!" You yelled into your comm.

Despite your best efforts you had to back off, yet some followed you. You remembered to take names to yell at after the match but you really didn't want to go through respawn again. That's when you tripped over something... it felt sort of familiar. That's when it hit you. Figuratively and physically. You heard the trademarked click and you knew you were going somewhere. The soles of your feet were in tatters, your legs were hit by shrapnel and to top it off your head smacked against the stone wall. All the air left your lungs as dots covered your eyes.

"Love! Shelia!" You heard your best friend and boyfriend yell. You heard the wood of his leg clatter along the floor as he scrambled over to you. "I swear, I didn't see you there! I swear! I love to blow things up but never you. Never you."

You believed him, you told him as such but you were too angry and tired to do anything but lean on his tanned shoulder.

"I'll getcha next time, don't you worry." You whispered as he picked you up to take you to Mercy.

"I'll let you have one of my shinies, how about that?"

"Deal." You whispered.


It's a little longer than normal but I hope I got him in character, he was one of the characters I was worried about. Coming soon is 'First Kiss' with Junkrat in the main line up! 

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