Zenyatta x M!Reader: Like a Moth to the Flame

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"Master Zenyatta he is back again." One of the monks told Zenyatta as he was passing him on his daily walk.

Through the stone terrace he could see the young human walk around the main open area. While many of the other visitors walked around, taking pictures or praying, maybe just looking around, he was not. Though it wasn't often, someone lost would find themselves there looking for answers. A small sigh escaped Zenyatta as he watched the human playing his hands, body slouched over and avoiding all contact with others. He knew that some of the monks had approached him, offered tea or guidance but he was too afraid to accept help.

Zenyatta turned to the other and nodded, "I will speak to them."

Zenyatta rested his hands behind his back and walked out amongst the people. Always keeping an eye on where he was most needed, though he did not wish to scare them. Slowly, he wandered through the people, talking softly with them. Occasionally, the man would glance at him and begin fidgeting shying away from him.

Patience rewarded him with the chance to speak to him off to the side away from ears. "Greetings." Zenyatta said titling his head towards him

You went a pleasant shade of red and fiddled with your hands again. A bead of sweat dripped down past your temple and Zenyatta noted that your breathing had shallowed and quickened. "Er, hello, um, hi, sorry greetings." The man returned the gesture but dropped his head completely trying to avoid eye contact.

The monk resisted the urge to chuckle, but if he had a mouth there would be no hiding the smile. "It is a beautiful day, don't you think?"

"Yes." He replied sharply, cringing shortly after at the tone his word came out with.

"Have you seen the gardens? It is simple wonderful to sit and read a book, I have seen many people go there was a picnic or to meditate under the sun's rays."

"I, I have not." You replied the fidgeting becoming more like trembling as your struggled to remain calm.

"Would you like to go see the flowers? They are in bloom, you should not miss it, perhaps some tea too, it is a bit cold outside."

You were quiet for a while, not knowing how to say no the monk standing in front of you. "Yes."

It had been a month since you had officially became a part of the monastery, well, mooched off it at least. You had long since came to terms with your fears and troubles. Although, something new had arisen, worst of all everyone with vision could see it a part from the one you wanted to. You knew, Zenyatta could see something was wrong, he kept bringing it up in your meditation sessions. You couldn't tell him, at all. You had all but hidden yourself in your room, banging your head against the pillow letting out muffled groans.

You had fallen for the kind monk. You were entrapped by his cool fingers, the feel of them on your skin when he placed his hand on your shoulder. His words when he praised you or asked about your day. His voice that crept into your dreams whispering things to you, even his chuckle when you did something he found adorable, and now, he told you as such making you blush.

Everything about the monk drew you to him, like a moth to the flame.

When you realised just how deep you where, you bashed your head repeatedly knowing he wouldn't feel the same. You were human, a male human and the omnic was a monk for crying out loud, he probably had some sort of oath or code or something. At that thought you bashed your head on the pillow and with a loosely curled up fist. That's how Zenyatta found you.

"I see I have come at a bad time."

You wanted nothing more than the iris to open up and swallow you whole. That wasn't probably the best thought as a whole load images sprang to mind making you groan again and want to cry. "Master Zenyatta, it is nothing, I can handle it."

The monk sighed and sat crossed legged beside your screwed up bed with a gentle tug, you mirrored his position and tried to remain calm. "I understand what is troubling you- no, don't speak." He interrupted holding his hand up as you opened you mouth to speak. "I do, I have tried to keep this professional but I can't any longer not when it is causing you so much pain."

"What?" You responded blinking at the monk, your hand starting to shake once more.

"At first I perceived it as a simple crush, I wanted what was best for you and hoped it would go away. When I, and many of the monks saw just how much you cared, I couldn't keep pretending that my own feelings would go away. I thought that perhaps, due to your troubles I would be taking advantage of you, abusing my position as your teacher and healer. I apologise, if my actions have hurt you in any such way."

"NO! It's me who should be apologising. I'm the shellfish one, I've cared for you since I first met you. You could never take advantage of me and my feelings only deepened when I had come to terms with everything. It was like I could see clearly for the first time and you helped me realise just how much I loved you."

"I, I love you too." Zenyatta placed a hand on top of yours, "I felt like I was drawn to you somehow, like it was meant to be."

"Like a moth to a flame."

A small smile appeared on your face as you dragged Zenyatta on top of you hugging him tightly around his waist. One metal arm curled around your chest while the other ran through your hair bringing your foreheads together. You gave him a peck where his mouth would be and nearly moaned when you felt the pressure he returned. Choosing to spend the day in each other's arms, nuzzling, touching and holding one and other was one of the happiest in both of your lives. You had found each other and were never going to let go.


Will update again (my time) today, it will be Angst and I will be writing for Christmas, so I'm sorry if someone requests something probably won't get around to it until after new years. Hope you guys enjoyed and see you soon!

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