A Little bit of Angst

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(That no-one wanted but needs to be done regardless.)

Hanzo- The past always catches up with us

Hanzo always knew they'd send assassins after him, that he could never really be safe. As long as they came after him, they didn't search for Genji or find out about you. Overwatch believed that you were safe, with their help you would always be safe. Until your location was compromised. A small team raced towards your last known location, Hanzo running at full speed towards you. When he caught a glimpse of you he dug his heels in and turned and ran to your side.

"Hanzo." You coughed, reaching out with a bloodied hand.

Hanzo dropped to his knees and clutched your hand to his chest, the other members kept their distance allowing you both a chance to talk. "Mercy." Hanzo whispered, "Hang on (Y/N), I will get you to Mercy, she will help. Where is she? Mercy will bring you back, just like Genji."

You shook your head and squeezed your fingers around his with the last bit of strength you had. "It's okay, Hanzo. It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay."

"Not without you." He whispered back, bring your knuckles up to your lips kissing them softly.


Genji- From the shadows

You always had this feeling that someone was watching you; you'd be walking down the street or buying groceries and you'd get that feeling. It didn't feel malicious or threatening, just an odd sensation.

On a rooftop in the distance was Genji, keeping an eye on you. Ever since your 'accident' the team, including yourself believed it best that you become a civilian. Granted Overwatch kept an eye on you but Genji couldn't let you go, despite promising you to try.

"I thought I'd find you up here my student." Genji sighed and continued watching you going about your day, Zenyatta floated next to his student and placed a hand on his shoulder. "She wouldn't want this for you."

"I know, but I loved them."

You looked so at home buying fresh fruit from the market, like you were meant to be there all the time. You picked up melons and laughed with the grocer knocking on it pretending to check if it was hollow. Zenyatta chuckled as you paid for the melon and moved onto bargaining for bananas. "What happened to (Y/N) was a terrible tragedy. If they were to remember what happened to them at the hands of Talon, they would be lost to us all. We must take solace that we know they are happy but they would also want you to be happy."

"I understand master."


Soldier 76- News

"You should see the new lot that showed up at our door, (Y/N), kids these days are getting weirder and weirder. I'm sure you'd just shrugged and end up joining in; they play video games all day and listen to crap music. The new girl, Hana? I'm sure you would've adopted the girl and stolen her meka for a joy ride. A couple of the older generation showed up, remember Genji? The Cyborg you beat up for calling you ma'am, well he showed up with his brother in tow. Pretty sure you would've kicked his ass up and down the base, one for killing his brother, two for calling you by something other than your given name and for 'being half naked'."

Jack let out a snort and took a big gulp of his beer, he let out a deep sigh and rubbed a tired hand over his eyes.

"You'd probably kick my ass for thinking I'm too old for this. What is it you said? Age is just a number. Well, I hope you're right, oh that reminds me, Angela wants to pay you a visit and Reinhardt's brewed some of his special drink for the occasion too. Pretty sure if Gabriel, sorry, Reaper pulled his head out of his ass for two seconds he'd pay you a visit too. Maybe if you were here you'd pull it out for him. Nothing much else to say, I'll be back in a few days. Can't believe it'll be a year."

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