Reinhardt Missing Pieces

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Hit by their Abilities- Charge

You loved being on the battlefield with your beloved Reinhardt; his laugh especially made you giddy for battle. His determination and pure joy for whacking morons who stupidly get too close.

With you being a close ranged fighter with your own specially made gauntlets you usually ended up being thrown into the chaos by Reinhardt. You leap onto his back as he charged and snag anyone who got out the way. That battle was like the others, you leaped and for the first time you missed. You overshot the jump and went right over his shoulder.

A short scream left your lips as your entire right side was crushed against the wall. Your leg was completely smashed as it was caught between the wall and Reinhardt's shoulder piece. "(Y/N)!"

"I'm okay, it just hurts." You gritted out. Reinhardt didn't believe and when he tried to cradle you in his large hands your let out a small breathless scream.

"Don't worry, (Y/N) I am your shield."

Reinhardt carried you to a corner and shielded you till help arrived, when it did he held your hand until you were completely healed.


First Kiss- Chargin' into you

As par the course, you and Reinhardt were on the battlefield smacking the stuffing out of anyone who got in your crossfire. The hulking man shielded you as you reloaded your cannon and while you may or not have taken cheap shots at the enemy medic.

"Haha! We can do this together (Y/N)!" He shouted as he chased after a few stragglers

You took care of the other side with a similarly large grin on your face. "Us vs. the world!" You yelled back just looking over your shoulder in time to see four enemies racing towards you. "REI!" You yelled hopping backwards attempting to reload your cannon without being shot to hell.

Unfortunately and yet, fortunately you did not get out of the way in time. Fortunately, the men went flying, unfortunately, you were pinned against the wall, leg's straddling Reinhardt's waist. You groaned at the feel of the bulky armour against your own light equivalent but something was off.

"Hmmp!" Your mouth was otherwise engaged and couldn't let out the squeal of surprise.

In the heat of battle, Reinhardt pressed his mouth to yours in a searing adrenaline filled kiss. Gun shots were flying all around you but neither of you cared only concentrating on the feel of each other's bodies against each other.


Stolen something of theirs- Their Hammer, sort of

Another day at the Watchpoint and you were going to go insane, due to... reasons... you were not allowed near the slightly singed practice range. Nor were you allowed in the kitchen after you attempted to make breakfast. Instead you headed to the armoury to sharpen some weapons and gun some guns. You were the weapon specialist after all.

"You beautiful thing, you." You grinned and pawed at the handle of the Reinhardt's hammer, "I have the worst urge to hide you away."

You thought as you wrapped your hands around it and attempted to pick it up, to no avail. Your eyebrow twitched in irritation so you tried again. Cheeks turning bright red and puffed out as you heaved and pulled with all your might. The damn thing didn't even want to budge.

"Who the hell designed this thing Thor? Jesus, why won't you move."

"Like a dainty thing like you could lift my mighty hammer, (Y/N)!" Your eyebrow twitched again with irritation. You ignored him and tried again. You jumped as hands curled around your waist and warmth breath tickled your ear. "Maybe together." He whispered against the shell of your ear making you shiver. He gave you chaste a kiss on the temple and slid his hands across your body onto the hammer.

It easily lifted in the air with his help, after you had your fun he placed it back down on the floor. Your feet dangled off the floor as you wrapped your arms around Reinhardt's neck lifting you up. You pecked his scar then his nose and he rested his forehead one yours. "Thank you." You whispered.


Insecurities- Certain Pains

You and Reinhardt were voted the cutest couple back in Overwatch's heyday, your claim to fame was that you made Reyes throw up. He had food poisoning but you totally took credit for setting him off.

As you have the strongest man around as your boyfriend you totally didn't abuse that. Whenever you were ill or just too lazy to move about the base you'd get Reinhardt to carry you around. Not that he had any problems with that, in fact sometimes he'd just pick you up and run off with you laughing in his arms. It's why your sickeningly cute.

Yet, lately there had been some, issues.

"My beautiful lady!" Reinhardt called sweeping you up into his arms and spinning you around.

Faintly, you heard something click and pop. You were about to ask Reinhardt what it was only to crash to the floor. You couldn't hold back your laughter as he clutched his back in pain.

"This is not over!" He yelled making you roll on the floor laughing. You know it was wrong, but it was strangely funny. When you managed to look at him without bursting into laughter you gave him a back rub easing all his pain.


As suggested by V-chii, hope I did okay! So that's Reinhardt added!

Next up is either Pet Names or Drunkenness, which ever is finished first I suppose

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