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After a lot of wrong turns and confusion, I finally made it back to where I had left the rest of the gang and went with Leaderdude and Rockjaw. I wasn't surprised to find that everybody had left. Well, everybody minus one. Leaderdude was standing with his back to me with his head bowed. I didn't know what I was going to say as I approached but Leaderdude spared me the trouble.

"Did you complete the task that was asked of you?" He asked, still not facing me.

"Yes, sir." I responded.

"And just out of curiosity, what did you happen to find during your task?"

"I found a note. A handwritten note by someone explaining what this gang was and kind of what its purpose was too."

Leaderdude nodded his head slowly. Then, he turned and faced me. This was the first time I actually saw what Leaderdude looked like. He looked as if he couldn't be any older than eighteen or nineteen but he had a completely grown goatee. His shades were off and intelligent blue eyes, too intelligent for their age actually, looked at me. His blonde hair looked as if it had once been constantly groomed and cared for but now just hung almost into his eyes. His teeth were white and straight and his mouth held the traces of smile lines, but you could obviously tell that he wasn't much of a smiler anymore. I had expected for him to be wearing the usually black attire but he wasn't. He wore a simple blue t-shirt with dark blue jeans. He did have on a black jacket and his shades were clipped onto his shirt. From looking at this guy, I didn't fear him anymore. He didn't appear to me as a threat anymore. I now saw him as a true leader. Not one who demanded cooperation, or one who would force others into obedience; but one who could be followed out of respect and admiration. I didn't fear him but I did respect him and I knew that he was one of those leaders that many famous people would have wished that they were.

"What did it say?" He asked me with deep curiosity in his eyes. I somehow knew that he was talking about what was on the tombstone and not what was on the paper.

"I still don't quite understand it much actually but on it, it had my name and some other word. Postero Princeps." I said trying to pronounce the word to the best of my ability.

"Pah-stare-oh Prenceps is how that is properly pronounced. And that is your name. You are now a new member of the family. A brother. And just like any new member of a family, it may take a little while before you're fully accepted but you must also take the Vows of Acceptance. We can do it now if you like."

All I could do was nod my head.

"Postero Princeps, you have been deemed worthy of knowing the existence of an ancient organization. You are one of few who have become a part of this organization. By making this vow, you shall be deemed an official member of Libero Cohors. Do you accept the Vow of Silence that states that one may not speak of this organization to anyone outside of it?"

"I accept."

"Do you accept the Vow of Ranks that states that one must know and respect his and any others acting positions whether they are above or below him?"

"I accept."

"Do you accept the Vow of Brotherhood that states that everyone is responsible for their brothers' well being that they may all fall and rise as one?"

"I accept."

"And do you, Postero Princeps, accept the Vow of Responsibility and will accept the full consequences of your future wrong doings and accept the consequence of expulsion and disownment if any of these vows are broken?"

I looked into Leaderdude's eyes and understood exactly what was being asked and what he meant.

"I accept and understand completely." As soon as the words were out of my mouth, cheers came from the shadows and behind tombstones. I turned and found that the rest of the gang plus about twenty others were all coming out from behind tombstones or trashcans and started walking towards me with smiles on their faces.

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