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  Jonathan never had any intention to go and pick up James. When Jordan called and asked him, he had responded with a cheerful yes, but inside he knew he wouldn't be going through the trouble. Although Jonathan loved his brother, he knew that some things couldn't be taught but they had to be learned. Jonathan was a grudge holder although he never admitted. And he believed that in order for something to work well with other things, everything had to be fair and equal but that was not the case for Jonathan's family. The first 'unfairity' as Jonathan calls it, was how although he and Jordan were both twins, she got to do everything before him. She got her license, longer curfew, and freedom of friend-picking a whole year before him! Their parents say that it was due to the fact that she acted more mature and could handle the new responsibilities and that he wasn't quite ready. It was probably because he had got arrested for attempted robbery, or maybe it was for grand theft auto, Jonathan doesn't know but it's still unfair. And second is Mr. Imperfect. Having a part-time disability doesn't seem like a legitimate reason to give someone special treatment. Just because his sight is messed up a portion of the time does shouldn't allow him a Get Out of Trouble Free pass. In all honesty, it was a surprise when James actually got in trouble for coming home late with the mess beat out of him. So that's when Jonathan started forming the idea that if their parents were to catch James coming home after curfew, he might actually get punished for a change. So, that's what Jonathan plans to do.

While Jonathan was basking in the glory of his younger brother finally getting what he needs. That same boy was actually trying to think up a plan to get back home and sneak in without being caught. It was exactly like one of his favorite comics he's always reading in his free time. Where the hero is just another ordinary person but he leaves to go and fight crime but returns where he was right as someone comes in and asks a question or something, and for Taylor, that's exactly how it was going to happen. Taylor was going to take the risk of having Alex drive him home. Taylor knows just how dangerous this was. He was taking the risk of having a drunk kid drive him home when one was just as drunk as the other. But that was a risk Taylor was willing to make.

Eight minutes. It took eight minutes of driving before we saw the cop lights pull up behind the car. And it took another minute to make the worst decision of my life.

I don't know if it was the alcohol or maybe we're just plain stupid, but instead of pulling over, Alex put the pedal to the medal and I cheered him on. I would call it a high speed chase but since it lasted for only thirty seconds I don't think that that's an appropriate description. Our little high speed getaway ended with the car smashing into a thirty foot oak tree head on. 

Taylor. My Name's James TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now