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It was three days after the incident and I happened to turn on the T.V. It was on the news channel and they were talking about what they believed to be a homicide and a kidnapping. I assumed that it wasn't much of a major deal to society since it was briefly mention and probably forgotten seeing that everybody knew that teenagers were prone to just running off. I knew that I had to go back home though but I didn't actually know how. I understand that I'm still on punishment and everything but I also know that I can't just disappear from home and not go back, knowing that my parents must be worried sick. I figured I should go and speak to Cory.

I got up from my bed I had chosen in the NC Mansion. I was dressed and on my way out when I ran into Dice.

"What's the hurry Prince?"

"I have to go and see Cory." I said trying to push past him.

"You know Cory doesn't like to be bothered unless it's something major."

"I need to go back home, but I need Cory's permission to leave. And I also have no idea how to get out of here."

Dice thought about it for a second.

"You should go check with his second in command first before you bother him." He informed me.

"Okay. Who's his second in command?" I began to wonder if I had even met him yet.

"I believe he was the first person you met. Rockjaw."

I stepped back in shock.

"But, I can't talk to him! He already hates me. He might try and get revenge for me beating him up." I exclaimed, my voice a bit higher than usual. Dice put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at Dice. Dice could be considered as a role model. He was tall and lanky. His eyes were soft and seemed to always have a calming effect. He was an example of what a perfect big brother should be.

"Prince, calm down. There is no such thing as revenge against another brother. Rockjaw may not seem like it, but he has a soft side too. You need to go and talk to him and then plan your next move based on what he tells you, okay?"

I took a deep breath.

"Yeah, okay. So, where can I find him?"

I stood outside of the door that led to Rockjaw's office. It was actually one of the doors on the opposite side of The Dome. I scraped up some courage and knocked twice. There wasn't an answer. As I raised my hand to knock again, the door to my left swung open and Rockjaw stepped out.

"I'm assuming you're here to speak to me." Rockjaw said with a smirk on his face.

"Uhh, yes sir."

"Well come in then. That was the door to the bathroom by the way." Rockjaw informed me as I followed him into his office. It was quite different from Cory's but I don't feel like describing it right now. I was quite scared. I knew that Dice said that Rockjaw wouldn't hurt me, but it was kind of hard to believe it.

"So, why have you come here?"

"I came to ask permission to return home. I know that I am still on punishment but I also know that my family thinks I've been kidnapped and I have to go back home." I said quickly. Rockjaw thought about it for a second.

"Okay." He said. "You are allowed to return home when you have come up with an acceptable story as to why you left and where you have been."

"I already have one, sir." I had been thinking of one for a while now.

"What is it?"

"I've always had this desire to experience what it would be like to be a runaway so I decided to hide out in the park. But, after a few days passed I realized that it sucked so I went back home."

Taylor. My Name's James Taylorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن