Reasons Revealed

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I wake up to unfamiliar surroundings.  Slowly looking around I see that I am lying on a couch. There's a coffee table next to me and a little to the side is an end table with a picture on it. Then it comes back to me in a flash of pain.


The blonde.

Their son.

I feel the need to get out of here as fast as I can. Bolting upright I fight the sudden head rush that move causes me, then swing my legs off the couch coming face to face with a blond haired, gray eyed heartbreaker in the making.

“SHE’S UP, SHE’S UP! Uncle Greg, I guess you don’t have to kiss her to wake her up anymore because she already is!” he shouts, running out of the room towards wherever his uncle Greg is. “OW TREVOR, I was just joking around!” is heard followed by male laughter.

Deciding that is my cue to get out of here I, stand up ready to run.

“You can try but I’ll just catch you and I really don’t feel like chasing you right now.” a familiar deep voice warns.

“Then don’t.” I say, taking a step towards my get away route.

“I have no choice, there’s too much I need to tell you so unless you want me to throw you over my shoulder and tie you to a chair to make you listen, I would suggest you sit back down.” 

He wouldn’t. 

On second thought, the determined look in his eyes tells me he would.

Knowing I was fighting a losing battle, I pivot and sit down but not without grumbling, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t give him a hard time. “I don’t see what we have to talk about. I’m pretty smart and can put two and two together. You already have a mate and an adorable son, who by the way thank goodness he takes after his mom because I don’t think we need anymore little you’s running around, and you’re rejecting me because you already have your perfect little family. The end. So there, I’m all filled in, can I please go home now?”

“You’re absolutely right.” he says.

Words every female wants to hear, though it stings in this situation.

“He does take after his mom.” he continues.

See that knife in my back Trevor, go ahead and twist it some more why don't you?

“And he’s nothing like me.” 

Clearly. Cody is a sweetheart, his father far from it.

“Because he’s not my son.”

Yeah, yeah, yeah…”WHAT?” I ask, surprise all over my face.

“Cody is not my son.” He clarifies for me.

“But…then…how…I’m confused.” I state.

“To make you understand I need to start at the beginning. Sarah was my mate.” he starts to explain.

It hurts me to hear those words but something else in that statement catches my attention, “Wait, did you say, was?”

“I’m getting there, will you just let me talk?” he growls in frustration.

“If you must.” I can't help taunting him.

He gives me a chastising look as if scolding a child then continues. “As I was saying, Sarah was my mate. I met her five years ago when I was thirteen. The bond was instant and I was head over heels for her immediately.”

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